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Utrecht June 6th 2014 Research Partners Workshop Service User and Workforce Involvement: the European Dimension Stephen Bach King’s College, London

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Presentation on theme: "Utrecht June 6th 2014 Research Partners Workshop Service User and Workforce Involvement: the European Dimension Stephen Bach King’s College, London"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utrecht June 6th 2014 Research Partners Workshop Service User and Workforce Involvement: the European Dimension Stephen Bach King’s College, London With financial support from the European Union

2 Presentation structure Phase 1 aims: - perspectives social partners/NGOs on research themes Definitions/ambiguities civil society EU turn to civil society: - implications and outcomes Sectoral social dialogue Relationship: social dialogue and citizens’ dialogue

3 Research Phase 1 Interviews with EU stakeholders: - social partners & civil society representatives Challenges/opportunities inclusion of service users in institutions//practice SD Examine activities EU sectoral social dialogue committees

4 Terminology Customer Consumer Client Service user Citizen Stakeholder... Civil society Term favoured in EU discourse e.g. European Citizens’ Initiative -Citizens’ Dialogue -Involvement civil society

5 Civil society - ambiguous Opposition to the state? Tea Party movement Complementing the state? The Big Society/3 rd sector etc Civil society organisations (working definition): - established voluntarily by citizens - organised around the promotion of an issue(s) - autonomous from the state/supra-state - organisations do not aim to maximise profits

6 EU: The Turn to Citizens Aims Context since 1990s Widen stakeholder input into policy: - EU democratic deficit & legitimacy deficit? - ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ policy making stakeholder inclusion Achieve ‘better’ policy outputs and practice: - involvement of wider interests - effective service delivery

7 Implications Transmission belt for citizen concerns? Wider legitimacy & more inclusive than SPs? Participative v. Representative democracy Aspiration: bring EU closer to its citizens

8 White Paper on governance (2001) Diagnosis: - Many people feel alienated from the Union’ s work (p.7) - the goal is to open up policy-making and make it more inclusive and accountable. A better use of powers should connect the EU more actively to its citizens and lead to more effective policies (p.8) - civil society plays an important role in giving voice to the concerns of citizens and delivering services that meet people’s needs(p14). Prescription: It is a chance to get citizens more actively involved in achieving the Union’s objectives and to offer them a structured channel for feedback, criticism and protest Concrete measures?

9 Treaty of Lisbon TFEU (2009) Art. 11.2 The institutions shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society. European Citizens’ Initiative [ECI] (2012) (Article 11.4): - invite Commission to issue legislative proposals - policy initiation remains with the Commission Process - Citizens’ Committee (7 member states) - 1m signatures; minimum 7 member states; one year Results: Water is a human right (1.9m signatures) - against liberalisation/privatisation

10 Responses and outcomes Civil society activated by the EC – access, resources - variations between DGs in terms of engagement Civil Society Contact Group represents: - ‘large rights and value based NGO sectors’ - 8 umbrella groups e.g. European Public Health Alliance Social platform (1995): 49 Social NGOs: - campaign on employment, social justice - include voices excluded by trade unions - alliances with ETUC – Spring Alliance - seek institutionalised civil dialogue

11 A contested contribution

12 European social dialogue TFEU – Lisbon 2009 Union as a whole to promote role of social partners at EU level - Tripartite Social Summit (Art 152 TFEU) - consultation of social partners by the Commission & support for their dialogue (Art 154 TFEU) - ‘contractual relations’ including agreements, can be concluded by the social partners (Art155 TFEU) Sectoral social dialogue: 41 committees - Hospitals and Healthcare (2007) - Education (2010)

13 Sectoral Social dialogue: Challenges Variable involvement and results: - between countries - between social partners – employer engagement - achieving effective outcomes/national follow-up Impact of the crisis: - resources and participation - sensitivity of austerity measures - EU budget saving measures

14 Activities sectoral SD Committees Hospitals and Healthcare/Education: - relatively new especially Education (2009/10) - establishing the employers’ side e.g. EFEE - employers often government ministries - member state competence - SD one of several priorities (e.g. HOSPEEM) Sectoral social dialogue and service user pressure: - does not register directly as a priority in SD - indirectly – role of parents/pupils improving school governance/leadership

15 Social partner perspectives Employers: - service user pressure or involvement - degree of autonomy influences scope to involve users Trade unions: - Ideology: Individualised conception of involvement: consumer rights perspective - collective orientation: services of general interest - Legitimacy: representative v. participatory democracy: independence - resources made available to civil society organisations - SPs are integral to civil society

16 Discussion Increased role for civil society in EU policy making Relationship social dialogue (SD) to civil dialogue(CD): - academically/policy terms separate spheres - CD: primary concern EU governance - SD: primary concern worker voice/social Europe Response of social partners to CSO: - Substitute? - Complement? - alliances on specific issues? - Ignore? Connection EU level to national/workplace level: - same debates and issues ?

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