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University of York : Staff Race Equality Forum Nicola Dandridge, Chief Executive Equality Challenge Unit October 2007.

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1 University of York : Staff Race Equality Forum Nicola Dandridge, Chief Executive Equality Challenge Unit October 2007

2 National and international issues affecting race equality Staff statistics and other indicators National issues affecting race equality –The Equalities Review and intersections –The new legal climate Internationalisation Equality Challenge Unit programme 2007 and 2008

3 HESA - statistics 7.9% of total UK population is BME, of which 2% Black (Census, 2001) HESA stats 2005/06 : academic staff –5.4% BME heads of department/professors (includes overseas staff) of which 0.4% Black (50 people) –7.2% BME senior and principal lecturers –5.5% BME lecturers HESA stats 2005/06 : support staff –19% BME HESA code 9 workers (cleaners, catering assistants, security officers, maintenance workers, porters) Patterns of student choice – institution and subject Consequences eg RAE

4 Other indicators Degree attainment Employability – Modood et al NSS

5 Current legal context Race Relations Act –Race defined in terms of both ethnicity and nationality –Direct and indirect discrimination –Race public sector duty : “to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different groups” –Applies to domestic and overseas staff Recent review of HEI compliance –Issues concerning role of white staff –Promoting good relations –Curriculum

6 Equality law: the new climate The Final Report of the Equalities Review 2007 Equality and Human Rights Commission Framework for Fairness : Government consultation on the Single Equality Act 2007 –Harmonised approach to legislation –Single public sector duty –Emphasis on social cohesion

7 Framework for Fairness consultation The proposed single duty will: i.Address disadvantage for protected groups ii.Promote respect for the equal worth of different groups and foster good relations within and between groups iii.Meet different needs of different groups while promoting shared values iv.Promote equal participation

8 Other factors Competition for staff Community and business engagement Impact of religion Recent political initiatives –Extremism on campus –Siddiqui report Internationalisation

9 The higher education workforce in England, HEFCE July 2006/21 Paragraphs 45- 46 : Proportion of permanent academic staff who are non-UK nationals highest in physics, mathematics and engineering The proportion of professors who are non-UK nationals has risen from 7% to 11%, and for senior academic staff has risen from 6% to 13%

10 Overseas students ‘[International] students are not sure about value for money because they get more structure and support in the US and Australia’, NUS, The Observer 16.09.07 International doctoral students generally happy but disappointed with their social experience, THES 07.09.07 Analysis of NSS 2005 : Asian students less positive about every aspect of their courses than white students

11 Impact of internationalisation Support to international staff and students –Language –Culture –Integration Adapt academy –Teaching and learning –Curriculum Integration of equality and international agendas –Strategies and resources –Legislation – positive duties

12 Role of Equality Challenge Unit ECU mission: “Equality Challenge Unit supports the higher education sector in its mission to realise the potential of all staff and students, whatever their race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age, to the benefit of those individuals, higher education institutions and society.” Strategy 2007 - 2010

13 2007 programme Promoting Good Campus Relations Degree attainment project (with HEA) Student unions project (with NUS and AMSU): religion and sexual orientation Dialogue groups Cross-cutting projects : single equality schemes; impact assessment Projects with partners : admissions, careers advisors, estates, finance staff

14 2008 programme Race Forum Continued partnership working : the toolkit –IT, marketing, work placements Integration of internationalisation agenda Equality charter

15 7th Floor Queens House 55/56 Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A 3LJ Tel: 0207 438 1010 Fax: 0207 438 1011

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