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Tread Softly Ethical considerations of participatory approaches to research in arts in mental health.

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Presentation on theme: "Tread Softly Ethical considerations of participatory approaches to research in arts in mental health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tread Softly Ethical considerations of participatory approaches to research in arts in mental health

2 Performance, exhibition, publication etc. For the Process The Practice Arts facilitator Participants

3 ArtsHealth Mental Health Community Arts Arts and Health Arts in Mental Health Arts Ther- apies Theoretical Fields of Arts in Mental Health

4 Arts in mental health practice Outcomes Processes

5 Positionality 1)an insider studying her own practice 2)insiders in collaboration with other insiders 3)insiders in collaboration with outsiders 4)insider/outsider teams working in reciprocal collaboration 5)outsiders in collaboration with insiders 6)an outsider working with insiders (Ospina et al 2008, p.423)

6 Hierarchy of Evidence Type I evidence - at least one good systematic review, including at least one randomised controlled trial Type II evidence - at least one good randomised controlled trial Type III evidence - at least one well designed intervention study without randomisation Type IV evidence - at least one well designed observational study Type V evidence - expert opinion, including the opinion of service users and carers. (DOH 1999, p.6)

7 ‘The art of the art-based researcher extends to the creation of a process of enquiry’ (McNiff 2008, pp.33-34)

8 Ethnographic Observation Participatory Creative methods Transparency Co-researchers Writing/mapping Instant photos Developing reflexivity Drawing Audio recording Action Research group reaches a consensus upon themes of process

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