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Clinical Placement Capacity Planning Nursing & Midwifery Summit Tuesday 8 th October 2013 Khonzie Ndlovu-Gachengo.

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Placement Capacity Planning Nursing & Midwifery Summit Tuesday 8 th October 2013 Khonzie Ndlovu-Gachengo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Placement Capacity Planning Nursing & Midwifery Summit Tuesday 8 th October 2013 Khonzie Ndlovu-Gachengo

2 Derbyshire Stakeholders 4 NHS Trusts 2 HEIs Derbyshire Placements Chesterfield Royal Hospital Derbyshire Community Derbyshire Healthcare Derby Hospitals

3 The Development To support Derbyshire Clinical Placement Provision Strategy for pre registration programmes 2012-2015. First design/concept presented to group Aug ’12 Further development – finalised for first use Jan ‘13 Modifications/improvements continued On-going remedial actions

4 The Development …cont. First design/concept presented to group Aug ’12 Further development – finalised for first use Jan ‘13 Modifications/improvements continued On-going remedial actions Dec 2013 Nursing and Midwifery Grid and AHP ( OT and Physio) Dec 2014- Nursing and Midwifery, All AHP professional groups to be fully embedded.

5 Pre January 2013

6 January 2013

7 January 2013 …cont.

8 Sept 2013

9 AHP Grid

10 Challenges Different versions of Windows, Microsoft Office Some functions, colours not compatible with earlier versions of Excel Different appearance on screen from my version Used Excel 97-2003 to ensure compatibility but significant loss of function Development time 6 months creation and building the grid On-going maintenance and development

11 Challenges Cont. IT systems Travel across Trust and HEI IT systems cause some problems with the design and function of some cells Collation of data Multiple versions of the grid, manual process to merge grids. Changes made by Trusts and HEIs – potential to be overwritten and lost and increase risk of human errors Increased workload collating all the changes People working on the grid at the same time are not aware of changes made by others

12 Solution Central storage point required for; Access to one version of the live with audit trail of changes Enabling changes to be made without any loss of data Alleviating the need to collate changes, transfer on to a new grid and send to all parties Notification of changes can be sent instead of emailing the new version each time Reduction of manual process/ resources and time.

13 Development 2: Development of a coordinated approach to effective management of Non Medical Pre Registration Programmes Clinical Placements Phase 1: To further develop the capacity planning grid to all pre registration programmes clinical placements Phase2: To develop a centralised Derbyshire self managing database ( Live) in managing clinical placements for NHS organisations and HEI’s Phase3: To have a strategic view of placement demand and capacity to ensure equity across East Midlands, triangulate and quality monitor clinical placements

14 Khonzie Ndlovu-Gachengo Workforce Development Manager Leaning Environment Quality EMLETB Workforce Team ( Derbyshire) 07879115931 01332 258180

15 Healthcare Professional Clinical Placement Tariff Naheem Akhtar

16 Healthcare Professional Clinical Placement Tariff Overview Develop a fair and transparent payment system for providers of clinical placements. Placements can be selected based on the quality of the placement rather than the price for which they are able to provide the placements. All employers who host students for non medical placements will be eligible to receive funding for East Midlands commissioned students.

17 Healthcare Professional Clinical Placement Tariff The Benefits An opportunity for education providers and employers to develop their relationship and work in partnership to: o Constantly improve the quality of the clinical learning environment. o Enhance the student placement experience. Funding follows an individual student’s placement activity, therefore providing transparency and fairness. Development and increase of placement capacity within NHS organisations and organisations outside the NHS providing healthcare.

18 Healthcare Professional Clinical Placement Tariff Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector Opens the door to a broad variety of placement providers. Increasing placement capacity within the East Midlands. Provides the students with experience in alternative settings. Employment opportunities within this sector for newly qualified students.

19 Naheem Akhtar Education Commissioning Support Manager East Midlands Local Education Training Board 0115 823 3445

20 Developing placements within the Private, Voluntary & Independent sector Lou Sherratt PVI Project Lead University of Derby

21 Background A workshop was held in November 2012 at The University of Derby. 30 Delegates attended from a variety of sectors- HEI’s, Hospital Trusts and PVI. Speakers included a Chief Executive from local NHS Foundation Trust and 2 members of staff from a private hospital. Key take home messages from the workshop included- A dedicated person to develop and support placements within the PVI sector and the value of non-traditional placements.

22 Progress to date April 2013: University awarded funding to allow a member of academic staff dedicated time ( 2.5 days) per week to increase capacity within the PVI sector and provide support to these placements. June 2013: Article published within Nursing Times. September 2013: Abstract submitted for NET NEP conference 2014. Newly Registered Nurses securing posts within the PVI Sector.

23 Breakdown of placements so far Nursing Homes:10 Private Hospitals:3 Practice Nurses:9 Other( including Charities): 9 Total= 31 Being Developed October 2013: Nursing Homes: 6 Practice Nurses: 8 Other: 3

24 The Future? Funding allocated until March 2014. Research project- Challenging stereotypical views of student nurse placements. Final placement management students within PVI sector. Conference March 2013.

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