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Making the Most of Longitudinal Data Chair: Deborah Wilson (DCSF) Speakers: Clare Baker, Helen Wood, Michael Greer (DCSF) Rémi Dewitte (Gide) Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Most of Longitudinal Data Chair: Deborah Wilson (DCSF) Speakers: Clare Baker, Helen Wood, Michael Greer (DCSF) Rémi Dewitte (Gide) Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Most of Longitudinal Data Chair: Deborah Wilson (DCSF) Speakers: Clare Baker, Helen Wood, Michael Greer (DCSF) Rémi Dewitte (Gide) Presentation at DCSF Conference: The Use of Evidence in Policy Development and Delivery, 9 February 2010

2 Longitudinal Studies in DCSF Longitudinal studies, and other data, are key resources for DCSF They help us to understand and address important policy questions. In particular to:  Understand individual life courses  Understand the impact of policy changes  Help to explain the causes of social inequality and underachievement

3 Why review our use of studies?  ONS Cross-Government review  DCSF Data and Statistics Strategy  Raise awareness within the Dept of existing data sources  Identify current and potential use for existing studies and identify gaps  Review our support for DCSF-funded longitudinal studies –LSYPE, YCS, EPPSE –ALSPAC, MCS, USoc, FACS …  Departmental policy and structural changes

4 Workshop Overview Today’s workshop will examine the one of the Department’s biggest and most successful longitudinal studies - LSYPE This workshop will  show how we involve policy colleagues in the LSYPE cycle  provide an interactive demonstration of 'iLSYPE'

5 Introducing the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE)  Large-scale cohort study tracking over 15,000 young people and their parents  Annual interviews from age 13/14 (Year 9)- cohort currently aged 19/20  Over sampled FSM households & ethnic minorities to ensure good representation  Further EM boost from wave 4 (age 16/17)

6 LSYPE Unique and invaluable dataset for policy making- used both proactively and reactively Initially funded by HM Treasury, intended as a cross-government project – currently managed by DCSF Research aims – factors affecting educational progress transitions following compulsory education, effects of background and behaviours, attitudes and experiences moves us towards causality Broad content- including data linking Our unique selling point!

7 Who takes part in LSYPE? Wave 1 (13/14) 2004 Young people and both parents ≈ 15,500 responding households (74%) Wave 2 (14/15) 2005 Young people and both parents ≈ 13,500 responding households (86%) Wave 3 (15/16) 2006 Young people and both parents ≈ 12,500 responding households (92%) Wave 4 (16/17) 2007 Young people and one parent ≈ 11,500 responding households (92%) Wave 5 (17/18) 2008 Young people only≈ 10,500 responding young people (89%) Wave 6 (18/19) 2009 Young people only≈ 9,793 responding young people (87%)

8 Survey Content “Main” Parent“Second” ParentYoung Person  Employment Histories – including income  Relationship histories (household composition)  Demographics (ethnicity, gender, religion, disability etc)  Educational experiences/attainment- including bullying and truancy  Aspirations  Out of school activities- both positive & risky  Health, disability & SEN  Caring responsibilities  Relationship with parents  Attitudes & experiences re: local community  Relationships, sexuality etc.  Aspirations for the young person  Attitudes to schooling and education  Contact with services  Family Cohesion Non policy-specific questions facilitate the long-term, strategic nature of the study but presents challenges with policy engagement

9 The LSYPE Cycle 20092010 JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJ W8 handover to OGD’s/ESRC W7 starts: consultati on/Contra ct. W7 questionnaire design, piloting and programming. W7 fieldwork W6 Questionnaire finalised, piloting and programming. W6 Fieldwork.W6 data processing, checking and in- house creation of DVs. W6 production and publication of Statistical Bulletin (publication June 2010). W5 data checking and DVs. W5 Production and publication of Statistical Bulletin (publication June 2009). W5 Data Enhancement, publicity and analysis for policy.

10 Challenges  Timeliness- longitudinal data takes time to produce  Multiple stakeholders- and managing their expectations  Maintaining a strategic focus  Lack of engagement  Limited resources

11 Engaging with Policy  Marketing of LSYPE- awareness raising events; providing information  Crucial, targeted consultation at the start of each wave- and throughout  Providing tools to allow colleagues to explore the data first-hand (iLSYPE)  Providing analysis

12 How have LSYPE data been used? By DCSF: Annual National Statistics publications: Unpublished analyses: RPA/NEETs: Well qualified NEETs Barriers to re- engagement EMA eligibility/take-up Jobs without training Positive activities Behavioural problems: Contact with Educational Welfare, Social Services and the Police Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Refreshment: Characteristics of 17 year-old parents

13 How have LSYPE data been used? LSYPE research framework agreement and research programme: - Fast and responsive tender process for research - Framework contractors build expertise with LSYPE So Far: Published Disengagement from Education among 14-16 year olds Risky Behaviours & social Activities Drivers and Barriers to Educational Success Examination Performance of Ethnic Minority pupils In the pipeline….. Bullying Community Cohesion Alcohol Use IAG Youth crime and anti-social behaviour

14 Young People from Pakistani ethnic origin are more positive than their peers about the fairness of society “Britain today is a place where people are usually treated fairly no matter what background they come from”

15 Raising the Participation Age will have an impact on the volumes eligible for EMA These young people will need to find appropriate training

16 Do young people who miss out on level 2 find it significantly more difficult to find a job or training place?

17 The future of LSYPE  Cohort aged 19/20, wave 7 interviews are being piloted  Working closely with ESRC and OGDs for the possibility for ESRC to take over management of LSYPE after wave 7 (end 2010)- Subject to Cross-Government funding  Development work for a second cohort (LSYPE2) - subject to Cross-Government funding

18 Tips for engaging with policy  Awareness raising and maintaining is crucial –Big bang followed by a slow burn –Provide lots of user-friendly information and identify sources of help  Recognise that engagement requires resource- but it is worth investing in  Keep your eye on the bigger picture  Use analysis as a hook  Make data easily accessible

19 iLSYPE:

20 Thank you for your time - any questions? Contact us:

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