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Ynni’r Fro Ynni Adnewyddol ar raddfa gymunedol Community Scale Renewable Energy generation.

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Presentation on theme: "Ynni’r Fro Ynni Adnewyddol ar raddfa gymunedol Community Scale Renewable Energy generation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ynni’r Fro Ynni Adnewyddol ar raddfa gymunedol Community Scale Renewable Energy generation

2 WELSH ASSEMBLY GOVERNMENT INITIATIVE To encourage and support local communities to take advantage of the potential to generate income from local resources and create substantial long-term income for themselves

3  European Competitiveness and Convergence funding with Welsh Assembly Government support  5 year programme (currently end Yr 1)  Supports Community Scale Renewable Energy Schemes owned by community groups and social enterprises  Main Targets: Income generation, job creation, energy generation

4 Ynni’r Fro Targets  Assist social enterprises to deliver schemes  Generate income  Create businesses and jobs  Reduce carbon emissions  Provide training THREE SUPPORT STREAMS... TECHNOLOGIES SUPPORTED Hydropower Wind Anaerobic Digestion

5 Development Officers:  Project management support  Technical expertise  Capacity-building  Community engagement  Liaison with external groups  Encouragement  Access to grants  Explore funding options

6 Preparatory Costs  Grants of up to £30,000  Approximately 135 grants (10 in competitiveness) Feasibility studies Environmental surveys Permissions Community engagement

7 Capital Funding  Grants or Loans* of up to £300,000  Normally up to 38%  Approximately 22 grants  2 in competitiveness  Woodfuel projects – WEBS II * New – due to be introduced due to complications with FITs, Grants and State Aid rules

8 Who can apply? Social enterprises Examples:  Community Interest Company  Industrial and Provident Society  Company limited by guarantee or shares  Limited liability partnership  Registered charity

9 What are the benefits and drivers?  Financial – introduction of FITs has made large community scheme highly lucrative  Community ownership – control of own resources, finances and additional community benefits  Renewable Energy Generation – reducing carbon footprints and acting as a focus for wider community carbon saving activities  Cash Cows – providing income for other community projects – reducing reliance on grants

10 What are the barriers?  Public Perception – especially to wind power  Finance – prior to gaining planning permission  Timescales – schemes take a long time, it’s tough!  Permits and Planning – take time, lack of understanding and complicated (seemingly)  Confidence – it is a big undertaking How Ynni’r Fro is addressing these...

11 Opportunities for Renewables  Studies to identify potential sites for Hydro and Wind schemes by Evironment Agency, Welsh Water, Forestry Commission, British Waterways, WAG. Joint Ventures with public and private bodies and landowners  The National Trust/ British Waterways  Private landowners  Private Industry  Local Councils

12 Increasing support and awareness  Liaising with statutory consultees and planners to raise awareness of community renewable energy scheme  Networking – bringing together stakeholders to share information  Support – uniting communities to share their experiences and support each other  Advice – providing technical advice and support  Community and Media engagement – breaking down the perceived barriers

13 Key Lessons...  Local support is important – provides local knowledge, understanding and trust  Communities that start with smaller, more manageable projects (allotments, energy efficiency, village hall/school/church) have more success with larger more complicated schemes  Important to be inclusive, build on successes and gain credibility within the community

14 Llangattock Green Valleys Delivering a Carbon Negative Community Litter Pickers - 230 bags of litter and 96 tyres in 2009! Biodiesel Club - distributed over 11,500 litres of biodiesel in 2010. Micro-Hydro - 94 kW generated from six schemes – going in now LACAS - 47 allotments growing their own food and providing a place to meet and socialise in the community. Woodlands Group - 120 acres of woodlands under management, locally sourced wood fuel supply and promoting biodiversity. School & Community Hall - New heating systems, loft insulation and 4.32kWp Solar PV system. Residential Group - 55 Residential solar PV schemes Plans for - Bio-Heating Fuel Club, Community Pub & Shop, Micro- Wind and A 1MW Anaerobic Digestion project!

15 Newtown Hydro  100kWArchimedes screw hydro on a weir  Currently have legal agreement with British Waterways and are starting detailed feasibility  Community group fought for this scheme with a private developer and won!  Group has secured a loan for the scheme and once built will issue shares to release capital to fund other schemes.

16 Newtown Hydro

17 Gwent Levels Turbines  2-3 2MW Turbines  Currently has exclusivity agreements with landowners  Early stages – just about to start detailed feasibility  Wider community support but already a strong anti- lobby from the adjacent community at Redwick!

18 What’s Happening Already? Some Schemes in Competitiveness Areas:  1MW AD – Joint Venture  100kW Hydro on British Waterways site  30kW Hydro – Tintern Angiddy Project (TAP)  4-6MW Wind Scheme (Probable JV)  250kW Farmer/Transition Group Wind  1MW Hydro (JV community and private)  Lots of speculative/early stage schemes

19 To find out more please contact the TDOs and we will be happy to discuss the schemes in more detail! SIMONE LOWTHE-THOMAS SIMONE @ SWEA.CO.UK

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