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Coursework.  5 groups of 4-5 students  2 project options  Full project specifications on 3 rd March  Final deadline 10 th May 2011  Code storage.

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1 Coursework

2  5 groups of 4-5 students  2 project options  Full project specifications on 3 rd March  Final deadline 10 th May 2011  Code storage on

3  Performance  Deadlines  Communication  Delivery  Specification Implementation  Usability  Maintenance  MVC Framework  Documentation

4  14 th March: Draft implementation plan  28 th March: First Prototype  25 th April: Final Prototype  10 th May: Final Submission

5  Content Authoring  Edit/Import document into editor  Tag content to split into small content blocks  Export XML in the CAF format  Strategy Repository  Create repository for LAG adaptation language files  Provide web service interface to share items in repository (upload, download)  Content Repository  Store content and strategies in database  Provide web service interface to share items in repository (upload, download)  Project Contacts: Jonathan Foss and Joshua Scotton

6  User Model authoring  Create a tool to specify which user model variables are scrutable (the user can see them) and which are changeable by the user (& where they should appear)  The interface should allow for specification of user model variable name, domain (allowed values), update method (and how it may depend on other variables)  Export this to the API as below via (an extended) LAG language  User Model delivery  As an output of the previous tool, a XHTML page is created, which represents the interface between scrutable User Model variables and the user. This interface should be able to be added to a tool like ADE (together with the appropriate DM and strategy)  Handle user input and display of UM variables  Create API specification and implementation for the storage sharing of UM information  Handle input of background information  Interrogate remote web service for details of cultural stereotype based on UM state.  Map stereotype to LAG input strategy and UM  Export result to delivery platform  Project Contacts: Craig Stewart and Joshua Scotton


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