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UK Social Science research training policy and practice: three perspectives on recent developments and unintended consequences 3: Gill Clarke.

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Presentation on theme: "UK Social Science research training policy and practice: three perspectives on recent developments and unintended consequences 3: Gill Clarke."— Presentation transcript:

1 UK Social Science research training policy and practice: three perspectives on recent developments and unintended consequences 3: Gill Clarke

2 Summary Role of ESRC and the research councils Leadership qualities Avoiding over-bureaucratic management Importance of organic development The student experience and perspective ___________________________________________________________________

3 CDT Univ Complexities of training models Grad School/ Doctoral College CDT Univ 2 Univ 3 CDT Single university graduate school or ‘doctoral college’ with independently funded centres for doctoral training CDT Multiple graduate schools and centres for doctoral training in one university CDT Grad School CDT Univ 4 Univ 1 GS Large CDT with several university partners; includes multiple graduate schools; universities often part of more than one CDT Univ 1 CDT Univ 2

4 ‘Taught’ modules in years 1-2 Identification of ‘training’ needs Cohorts rather than individuals Identify with lab / CDT / department / school ? ‘Streams’ of candidates? Models of doctoral training: candidates More autonomy More structure Increasing years of study Prof doc? PhD? Lunt, I., McAlpine, L. and Mills, D. (2013). Lively bureaucracy? The ESRC’s Doctoral Training Centres and UK universities. Oxford Review of Education, 40:2 151-169

5 The positive argument for critical mass Learning from peers Cohort identity More advice sources likely Larger pool of interaction Potentially, exposure to more disciplines

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