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 Ian McDonough.  Time To Be Heard  A non-statutory Scottish Government initiative running from 2010-2011  Gave former residents of Quarriers Homes.

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Presentation on theme: " Ian McDonough.  Time To Be Heard  A non-statutory Scottish Government initiative running from 2010-2011  Gave former residents of Quarriers Homes."— Presentation transcript:

1  Ian McDonough

2  Time To Be Heard  A non-statutory Scottish Government initiative running from 2010-2011  Gave former residents of Quarriers Homes the opportunity to recount their experiences in care, especially abusive experiences, to an independent and non-judgemental panel.  Heard the experiences of just under 100 survivors.  No powers to investigate allegations and no role in recommending participants for compensation

3  Sacro Restorative Justice Services FACTS What happened? Who was responsible? Why did it happen? CONSEQUENCES Who was harmed? How were they affected? How do they feel now? FUTUREHow can the harm be addressed or repaired? How can this behaviour be prevented?

4  Restorative Justice Service for Survivors  Although the effects of the abuse are typically still very much present, the abuse itself is likely to have taken place between 30 and 60 years ago.  Those directly responsible, both individually and organisationally, for the abuse and neglect are not part of the process.  Financial reparation has been specifically excluded from the range of possible outcomes.

5 The Service  6 experienced Sacro RJ practitioners  Additional training provided by David Doeffler, Director of Concentric Journeys who have done a lot of victim/offender work in prison system in Texas  Standard RJ conditions of confidentiality and voluntariness applied.  Survivors mainly seen initially in own home  Representative of Quarriers at senior level (Chief Executive)

6 Outcomes  Restorative Meetings – 5  Individual Support Given – 3  Withdrew from Process – 1  Decided against using process - 6

7 Restorative Meetings  Held in a range of settings including in two instances Quarriers Homes  Several individual meetings with survivors and at least one with Quarriers representative prior to restorative meeting.  Agreements typically included formal letter of apology, guarantee of access to all available records, and adoption of measures by organisation to ensure no repetition of abuse.

8 Differences from standard RJ processes  Timescales should be governed by the individual needs of survivors and can be lengthy.  The intensity and pervasiveness of damage and pain caused by the childhood experiences of survivors is of a high level.  The intensity of emotion requires special consideration to be given to whether the survivor is able to deal with meeting a representative of the institution face to face.  It is crucial that facilitators meet the different needs of individual survivors. It is not appropriate to closely follow a scripted process.

9 Quotes from survivors  ‘I still find it difficult to value myself but I’m working on it.’  ‘Sacro took me through the maze, helped me see things and gave me choices’  ‘I was more than satisfied, can’t thank you enough. I have now been able to get on with the rest of my life.’  ‘They supported me to have my say, having helped me work it out. I felt really in control.’  ‘It helped me face up to my ghosts.’

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