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1 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida CoSAR-TS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida CoSAR-TS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida CoSAR-TS Coalition Search and Rescue Task Support Demo – 2003-05-07 DARPA DAML Program AIAI/IHMC

2 Binni SAR Scenario

3 3 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida SAR Joint Publications

4 CoABS Grid Manager KAoS Policy Admin. Tool (KPAT) Domain & Policy Management Tools

5 Process Panel Domain Editor Activity Editor Messenger I-Space Task Support Tools

6 CoSAR-TS Demo Architecture

7 7 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida DAML CoSAR-TS Ontology

8 8 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida DAML-S

9 KAoS DAML Policy Fragment <RDFNsId1:NegAuthorizationPolicy rdf:ID='policy-6ef00f45-00f4-0000-8000-0000deadbeef' RDFNsId1:hasName='CoSAR-TS1' RDFNsId1:hasPriority='1' RDFNsId1:hasUpdateTimeStamp='1049833307991'>

10 10 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida KAoS DAML Policy Example l Example defines negative authorization for CMU Matchmaker to return Gao Rescue Resources if the destination hospital is in Arabello l Why not just manage policies within the Matchmaker DAML-S descriptions themselves? –Perspective independence: For various reasons, either the MM service, the Coalition, or Gao may be motivated to define and manage such a policy –Confidentiality: It may be in the defining party’s interest not to disclose the policy to the other parties –Resource management independence: The policy will need to be enforced by some component that belongs to the defining party, not necessarily to the subject or target of the policy –Redundancy: The independence of the policy reasoning mechanisms provides a check against buggy, malicious, or poorly-designed code in the agents and services

11 11 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida Demonstration

12 12 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida Achievements to Date l Initial Coalition SAR scenario defined l SONAT ENP data base extended with Binni data l Direct DAML file processing from I-X to SONAT via HP JENA Toolkit l SOAP Access to SAR Resources from KAoS and I-X via Katia Sycara’s CMU MatchMaker and MM client code l I-X linked to Norman Sadeh’s CMU context-aware Notification Agent for personalised notifications l KAoS policy-governed access to SAR Resources l Initial demonstration framework with CoSAR and US-SAR I-X Panels and 2 Information Access Agents l Integration of BBN OpenMap with I-X Process Panels

13 13 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida l l l l Further Information

14 14 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida l Extra Slides Additional Details

15 15 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida Binni SAR Scenario

16 16 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida CoSAR-TS Demo Architecture

17 17 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida CoABS Grid

18 18 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida KAoS Policy Admin. Tool (KPAT)

19 19 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida KAoS Policy Admin. Tool (KPAT)

20 20 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida I-X Process Panels

21 21 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida I-X Process Panels

22 CoABS Grid

23 KAoS Policy Admin. Tool

24 I-X Process Panels

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