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Developing a competence framework for food safety Tony Lewis, Principal Education Officer, CIEH.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a competence framework for food safety Tony Lewis, Principal Education Officer, CIEH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a competence framework for food safety Tony Lewis, Principal Education Officer, CIEH

2 Competence – why? Process started in central government -Performance management and cost control -Plugging the hole in govt finances Cascaded into government agencies and departments Became an issue for EH following the HSE’s (2005) SITNA report -A baseline comparator to apply to all and against which training resources could be more effectively provided Now a facet of ‘world class’ regulation Anderson Review Pennington

3 Building competence Knowledge Skills Competencies Capability Competence Excellence ? The Professional Development Stairway to Competence The journey to ‘capable’ as an EHP is via the qualification process ‘Capability’ to ‘competence’ achieved via experience, peer review + reflective practice

4 Where are we now Framework for H&S (RDNA) complete and launched in January 09 Framework for health protection complete and launched (by ‘Skills for Health’ as National Occupational Standards) Framework for PH complete and launched (Cube) Frameworks developed and about to be piloted in food safety and housing Framework for port health and contaminated land are under development LBRO and partners are working on a combined framework for local government regulatory services – supported by LACoRS Discussions under way with BRC to develop a framework for commercially-based EH

5 Regulators’ DNA Tool for Health and Safety: Skills / Knowledge / Behaviour

6 The Regulators’ DNA Tool: Contents

7 Website





12 Encourage career-long learning Maintain and develop skills against a changing environment Maintain the disciplines of learning and continuous professional development applied during training Encourage and support more effective development action planning Encourage and support reflective learning Why bother?

13 More structured, consistent and robust approach to identifying development needs at individual and line manager level Support to Managers to help meet some of these locally Support to individuals in developing themselves Provides a shield against challenge to our decisions that is far more robust than a qualification certificate and experience Once a standard is ‘out there’ and endorsed by a body of some standing it will become ‘compulsory’ by virtue of legal reference Why bother?

14 Draft food safety framework Work to develop the framework been ongoing for >12 months Partnership approach to development: -CIEH, REHIS, TSI, LACoRS, FSA, APHA, HSE etc Draft for consultation completed this week Consultation process finalised this week

15 Consultation process Being overseen by Gary Telfer at CIEH ( Commences with launch in EHN 7th/8th May

16 Consultation process Draft posted on CIEH website Article in EHN highlighting its presence on website and inviting comments. Highlighting that it ’ s a framework for Food Safety Inspectors, not necessarily Regulators Comments to be invited from all but particularly from members working in the food industry, in Scotland and EH colleagues working overseas (particularly in Malaysia and Hong Kong) Ask CIEH ISIG to highlight presence on web to their contacts overseas Letter to be sent to regions asking them to send copy to their food study groups, or authorities with a particular interest Framework to be handed to pilot LAs for use Date for return of comments, 30 th June 2009

17 The food framework Mirrors the structure of H&S RDNA -Background and aims -Purpose of the framework -How to use the framework -Guidance on logging responses to framework questions

18 Food framework (2) Core behavioral competences -Being open and communicative -Acting professionally -Taking personal responsibility -Valuing people -Innovating and learning -Applying and developing job-related expertise

19 Food framework (3) IT competences Organisational competences Literacy and numeracy Problem solving from first principles

20 Food framework (4) Regulatory Core - To enforce food law, applying the Food Law Code of Practice - To deploy a range of enforcement interventions (In order to secure compliance, learn lessons and improve conditions) - To advise and influence - Research, understand, retain, prioritise and use knowledge effectively - Train and educate (self and others) - Plan organise and prioritise

21 Food framework (5) Assessment of critical controls Partnership working Business awareness

22 Food framework (6) Technical knowledge framework -Food technology -Food standards -Food nutrition and health -Food safety and hygiene -Prescribed legislation

23 Questions?

24 Tony Lewis Principal Education Officer, CIEH Tel: 0207 827 5907

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