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HOW TO HANDLE COMPLAINTS PURPOSE. ► To prevent the guest from getting more annoyed and to solve the complaint. POLICY. ► All complaints must be taken seriously.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO HANDLE COMPLAINTS PURPOSE. ► To prevent the guest from getting more annoyed and to solve the complaint. POLICY. ► All complaints must be taken seriously."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO HANDLE COMPLAINTS PURPOSE. ► To prevent the guest from getting more annoyed and to solve the complaint. POLICY. ► All complaints must be taken seriously whether or not the guests are in the right or wrong. ► The complaints must be investigated to prevent recurrence.

2 PROCEDURES. 1. When approaching the guest, have a pleasant disposition and greet him. 2. Listen to the complaint attentively and with concern. Do not interrupt. 3. Apologize to the guest whether the guest is right or wrong. 4. Ask relevant questions so as to understand the nature of the complaint. (This will help to solve the complaint more clearly. 5. Repeat the facts so as to get correct picture. 6. Inform the guest what you can do. Convince him action will be taken. 7. Take the corrective action immediately. 8. Follow through. 9. Inform manager / supervisor so that preventive measures can be taken against such a complaint occurring the future. 10. If possible, inform the guest of the result of the action.

3 THE ABC APPROACH OF TURNING PROBLEMS INTO OPPORTUNITIES. A- Apologies for the problem. B- Be Understanding. C- Correct the problem. D- Discuss what the customer wants done. E- Explain what actions you will take. F- Follow through on the agreed solution.

4 POLA ABC DALAM MENGUBAH MASALAH DALAM KESEMPATAN A- Mohon maaf dikarenakan ada masalah. B- Mencobauntuk lebih pengertian. C- Memperbaiki masalah yang ada. D- Membahas apa yang diinginkan oleh tamu. E- Menjelaskan tata cara mengulangi. F- Mematuhi apa yang telah disetujui.

5 REMEMBER : REMEMBER : I’m sorry – It happened to you. I’m sorry – It happened to you. I’m glad – You told me about it. I’m glad – You told me about it. I’m sure – We can do something to I’m sure – We can do something to help you. help you.

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