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PREPARE YE THE WAY Isaiah 62: 1-12. God wants to: Encourage Excite Exalt.

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Presentation on theme: "PREPARE YE THE WAY Isaiah 62: 1-12. God wants to: Encourage Excite Exalt."— Presentation transcript:

1 PREPARE YE THE WAY Isaiah 62: 1-12

2 God wants to: Encourage Excite Exalt

3 Gentiles – a heathen nation Salvation = yeshuwah – Jesus God will not rest or be at peace until the righteousness and light of Jesus shines through His people to a world that is lost.

4 Things may look pear shaped God wants to restore us He is the God of turnaround

5 A New Name! Hephzibah = “My delight is in her” Beulah = “Married” (owned and protected by the Lord) No longer termed forsaken or desolate

6 A Crown of Glory!!!!!!! God wants to delight in us Own and protect us Crown us with His glory We must yield wholeheartedly to Him

7 God wants to rejoice over us as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride We are the bride of Christ!

8 PERSIST IN PRAYER The enemy will be defeated – Hallelujah! There will be increase – a banquet in the house of the Lord!

9 Go through the Gates Prepare the way for Increase God wants to exalt us “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time”. 1 Peter 5: 6

10 Build up the highway; Remove the stones

11 What stuff do we have hidden inside us? Bad memories; discouraging words; anger; bitterness; unforgiveness; retaliation; self pity; pride; self-righteousness; holding on to the past

12 Salvation - “yesha” = Liberty Deliverance Prosperity Safety

13 God will exalt us if we humble ourselves We will be set apart, sons and daughters of the King; a people/church that will be in great demand and highly regarded.

14 NLCC HAS A GREAT FUTURE AHEAD God wants to bless us God wants His righteousness to shine through us God wants to crown us with His glory God wants to give us a good name, a good reputation God wants to increase us God wants to reward us God wants to exalt us

15 Challenge: Will we remove the stones?

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