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Semantic Web Services Composition via Planning as Model Checking Hong Qing Yu and Dr. Stephan Reiff-Marganiec Computer Science Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Semantic Web Services Composition via Planning as Model Checking Hong Qing Yu and Dr. Stephan Reiff-Marganiec Computer Science Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semantic Web Services Composition via Planning as Model Checking Hong Qing Yu and Dr. Stephan Reiff-Marganiec Computer Science Department

2 Introduction Background and the framework of SWSC Case study Web Services model Planning as model checking Advantages and future work

3 Background of SWS Syntax only! Web Service Architecture WS standards: Lack of semantics!

4 Semantic Web Services What should S+WS ontologies provide? (Mainly) Automation of the Usage Process:  Publication  Discovery  Selection  Composition  Execution  Monitoring

5 The framework of SWSC Phase 1 : Specification Specify the Planning Goal Provide the initial situation Phase 2 : Model extraction Select WS which in the plan domain Extract WS models WS Repository Ontologies Phase 3 : Planning Phase 4 : Physical Composition & Execution Selection Generation Execution

6 Case study of Web Services Composition WS3= TV shop (S) WS4= Item delivery (D) WS2= TV Information WS5= Insurance (I) WS1=Locate IP && After WS6= TV License Smart Portal Initial Situation Goal S (D I) Services

7 WS model Operation Name Precondition State Input message (Parameters) Output message (Parameters) Communications (Type, Role) Domain Purpose Quality Operation

8 WS model WS1 Located Mout (string Location) E-shopping Locating high Min (string IP_address) WS2 Got_infor Mout (string Brand, string Type, double S_size, string review, Colo_type) E-shopping TV_infor high WS3 Purchased Mout (string S_adress, double value, double TV_size) E-shopping TV_sell high Min (string Brand, double S_size, string Type, string Location, string TV_license ) WS4 Deliveried_Item E-shopping Delivery_item high Min (string S_address string Location, double size) WS5 Bought_insurance Mout (string reference) E-shopping Insurance high Min (double value, string C_address, string Goods_type) WS6 Got_TVL Mout (string TV_license) E-shopping TV_license high Min (string C_address, string Colo_type) Got_TVL Purchased Located Mout (date delivery_time, double cost) Select Confirm Request Confirm Request Select Confirm Request

9 Composition problem model Specification for the goal Specification for start conditions and data 1. We are planning from initial operation state 2. The initial knowledge is the information which submitted by Client user Our case 1. Initial state is start 2. Initial knowledge is Customer address, Goods type (TV), IP address S (D I)

10 Planning as Model Checking s State: {Start, Parameter: {string C_address, string Goods_type, string IP_address, 12 2 6 3 4old 54 5 Located,Got_infor, Got_TVL,Purchased, Delivered_item, Bought_insurance} string Location, string Brand, string Type, double S_size, string review, Colo_type, string S_adress, double value, double TV_size, date delivery_time, double cost, string reference} string TV_license 1 old S (D I)

11 Advantages and future work Advantages: Not rely on any particular ontology language Simple specification Executable + Reusable Future Work: More complex goals Add non-functional requirement to planning algorithm Interleaving of services in plans Complete the framework

12 Thanks Any Questions? TR available :

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