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The thick shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) brings LIFE+ back to rivers - UC4LIFE - 2012 - 2016 Målarmusslans återkomst ger friskare åar.

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Presentation on theme: "The thick shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) brings LIFE+ back to rivers - UC4LIFE - 2012 - 2016 Målarmusslans återkomst ger friskare åar."— Presentation transcript:

1 The thick shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) brings LIFE+ back to rivers - UC4LIFE - 2012 - 2016 Målarmusslans återkomst ger friskare åar

2 Why focusing on Uc? -Indicator, complex life-cycle… -Uc-habitats not yet recognized (ie. semi-lentic habitats) -Wide historical distribution range in EU and Sweden… -Few LIFE-projects targeting Uc -FPM LIFE-project experiences -Uc-Natura 2000 linkages… A Flagship species …Threatened…

3 Objectives 1) Strengthen the Uc-conservation status 2) Improve the ecological status of water-bodies - Improved knowledge and better understanding -

4 The 18 A, C, D and E actions C.1: Host-fish mapping (sa) C.2: Restoration actions at 12 project sites C.3: Re-introduction and allocation (sa) A1 – 3: Staff training; Permits; Work-plans [C-actions] D1 - 7: Notice boards and posters; Webb site and blog; Dissemination events; Handbook; School-projects; Layman’s report; International conference. E1 - 5: Project Management; Monitoring activities; Networking; Financial audit; After-LIFE Prep Concrete Information Management Monitoring

5 C-Actions at the Skåne project sites…

6 Administration and budget 1)Operation and Management… 2) Cost breakdown per actions… 3) Cost breakdown C actions… 4) CAB Skånes contribution/co-financing… 5) The Project Manager… 6) Project status…

7 Operation and Management

8 Total budget: 4 927 119 €

9 The C-actions Actions

10 CAB Skånes contribution As salary costs and/or funds…

11 602 533 € Co-financing breakdown

12 The Project Manager * The cost of temporary personnel specifically recruited for the duration of the project and exclusively dedicated to its implementation shall not be taken into account in the calculation of the minimum amount of the public bodies' contribution mentioned above, on condition that: (a) The contracts of such personnel do not begin before the date of signature of the grant agreement, nor finish after the end date of the project. (b) The contracts mention the LIFE+ project specifically. (c) The personnel concerned are employed exclusively for the implementation of tasks foreseen in the LIFE+ project. (ref the guideline) - Rimligt att alla partners delar kostnaden för PM… - Annonsering av tjänsten lämpligt… - Modellen prövad på LIFE-Kinnekulle… - NV-konsult tycker vi skall köra… Genom denna modell belastar PM’s lönekostnad “hela projektet” och inte enbart CAB Skånes “lönepott”.

13 Number of workdays

14 Project status – GO! - Original requested budget: 5.033.976 € - Revised (2011-04-04) budget: 4.927.119 € One international conference deleted… Budget not fixed, c 10% flexibility between budget categories June 6: Deadline… July: Final acceptance and Signing grant agreement… Eleven signatures: A3, A8, Public body declaration, Legal entity file and Financial ID

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