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Presentation on theme: " Introduction Thank you to all the organisations who contributed to this years planning process 100% return and higher quality than ever before."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Thank you to all the organisations who contributed to this years planning process 100% return and higher quality than ever before.

2 Provider Evidence The information presented today has come from provider plans which were submitted at the end of July and consisted of three parts: Part A – Workforce planning numerical data Part B – Workforce challenges and risks Part C – Narrative describing the future workforce Data was collected from:  14 Acute Trusts (including 1 Children’s Acute)  9 Community organisations  3 Mental Health Trusts  1 Ambulance Trust

3 Historical Trends: Staff in Post 2009-2013

4 Key Findings: Medical & Dental FTE’s Forecasted FTE’s in North Yorkshire and the Humber over the next five years by Specialty. Direction of travel 2013 to 2018 (FTE)

5 Key Findings: Medical & Dental Newly Qualified Trend from 2013-2018 Forecasted Newly Qualified in North Yorkshire and the Humber over the next five years by Specialty.

6 Key Findings – Medical & Dental Risks  Difficulties in recruiting to Consultant posts, especially in A&E and Medicine specialties, resulting in a reliance on locum and / or agency staff  Significant difficulties recruiting to Consultant level posts in the majority of specialties in some areas. Additionally there are concerns regarding the age profile of the Consultant body.  Difficulties in recruiting to posts in A&E, Anaesthetics and some Medicine specialties.  Specialty Doctor posts can be difficult to recruit to in specific areas.  Reduction in training posts and the inability of the Deanery to fill all available posts is a significant issue for Trusts  All grades, but particularly training grades, difficult to recruit to.

7 Key Findings: Non-Medical On average there is a forecasted increase of 0.7% FTE (170 FTE) across all specialisms between 2013 – 2018. The main increases were forecasted in:  Registered Nursing, Midwifery and Health visiting staff +7% (+545.7 FTE)  Apprenticeships +178% (+91 FTE) The forecast for the Yorkshire and the Humber Non-Medical staff is a decrease of 1.9% (-1,868.1 FTE).

8 Key Findings Non-Medical: FTE’s Forecasted FTE’s in North Yorkshire and the Humber over the next five years by specialty. Direction of travel 2013 to 2018 (FTE)

9 Key Findings - Non Medical: Newly Qualified Forecasted Newly Qualified in North Yorkshire and the Humber over the next five years by Specialty. Trend from 2013 to 2018

10 Key Findings – Non-Medical Risks  Increase in advanced Nurse Practitioners  Recruitment of Midwives and Health Visitors and in some area nurses.  Skills Gap - training people in extended roles  Providing physical and mental health care simultaneously  Patient acuity – older, more frail and more dependant

11 Support Staff Plans for all Trusts are forecasting a reduction in support to clinical staff of 244 FTE (3.2%). A sub-category of this is the support to STT & HCS staff which is forecast to fall 1.5%. However, forecast figures for apprenticeships across the Yorkshire and the Humber region are encouraging and backed by the evidence.

12 Advanced Practice  LETB & Service Priority in the following key areas:  Acute Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery, & Anaesthesia  Workforce Plans contain little evidence of need, this is not unexpected as earlier discussions show that many NHS Trusts are still developing their thinking around Advanced Practitioner deployment  LETB to aid development by providing ‘Start Up Support’ to Trusts, this will include:  Financial support during the implementation phase for those Trusts with well- developed plans  Provide all Trusts with the opportunity to access the Calderdale workforce analysis tool to aid role identification  Establish a Yorkshire & Humber Task & Finish Group to develop the York’s & Humber Advanced Practice Framework

13 Key Findings: Risks and Challenges

14 General Risks (1) Additional risks highlighted by Providers that they believe require LETB support. Technology  Telehealth /medicine - training required to meet complexity and new demands  Personalised care planning  Excellent IT skills and paperless  In communities using mobile technology

15 General Risks (2) Additional risks highlighted by Providers that they believe require LETB support. Skills Reviews  Evidencing the qualifications and competence of staff in light of Francis, Keogh and CQC approach etc.  Effectively training, supporting and supervising a large support worker workforce

16 General Risks (3) Additional risks highlighted by Providers that they believe require LETB support. Pride & Professionalism  Attracting staff to the NHS – morale/ intensity of work/ reputation  Professional standards  Skills at point of registration – mixed views on this

17 Questions Do you have any questions?

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