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GMB Young Members’ Summit 2013 BUILDING POWER; Young Members in the GMB Project Manager: David Braniff-Herbert Project Sponsor: Kamaljeet Jandu Administrator:

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1 GMB Young Members’ Summit 2013 BUILDING POWER; Young Members in the GMB Project Manager: David Braniff-Herbert Project Sponsor: Kamaljeet Jandu Administrator: Laura Jagdev PROJECT UPDATE: 19/09/13 (NEF) Saturday 16 November

2 Key Details: Date: Saturday 16 November Time: 11am – 6pm (Lunch provided) Location: GMB HQ, Euston For those 27 and under (as of 16 November) 6 delegates per region Region/branch pays travel/accom cost

3 Background Called for by GMB National Equality Conference policy: Conference motion 10, March 2012 Resolves 1: “To support the formal establishment of a Young Members’ Network in order to lead of these issues” Recommended in NEF Young Members Paper 2012 Last national gathering: October 2009

4 Aims & Objectives To launch a vibrant, campaigning network of GMB Young Members across the UK To bring together ideas, share best practice and enhance regional delivery of young members’ campaigns To hold young members’ representatives on external bodies to account

5 THE AGENDA 10:30 Registration 11:00 Opening Plenary: State of the Young Union Speakers: David Braniff-Herbert, Young Members Rep, National Equality Forum; Kamaljeet Jandu, National Officer for Equalities; 11:15General Secretary 11:30Guest Speaker: Owen Jones 11:45 GMB Young Members: In the Movement Reports from GMB Young members who represent us to external organisations: Fern McCaffrey – TUC Young Workers Chair Hazel Nolan – Young Labour, SERTUC Sarah Worth – TUC Young Workers Committee Ryan Ward – TUC Young Workers Committee 12:15 Workshop Session 1: A: Actions to build Regional Young Members’ Network B: Actions to engage in the political process – GMB Political Dept. 13:45 Lunch 14:00 Workshop Session 2: A: Actions to build Regional Young Members’ Network B: Actions to engage in the political process – GMB Political Dept. 15:30 Break 15:45 Closing Session: Where next for GMB Young Members? Creating a national network, representation on external bodies and acting on current policy. 18:00 CLOSE

6 Registration We have wrote to Regions (Regional Sec, REO and NEF) calling for 6 delegates (19 July) We then went further to offer template text to send to all young members in their respective regions (19 July)

7 Utilising Registration Case study: GMB YOUNG LONDON The Regional Equality Organiser (REO) emailed and wrote out to all young members in their region calling for prospective delegates to the summit. Over 12 members applied. The REO wrote to prospective delegates inviting them to a meeting to determine, by vote, who the final 6 delegates would be at a meeting on Wednesday 9 October at 6.30pm. REO agreed with REF that 50% of delegates must be Women. All regional young members will be invited to this meeting. At the meeting we will then re-establish a regional young members’ network with a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Assistant Secretary and hear a report from the regional TUC’s Young Workers’ network and NEF Young Members’ representative.

8 Actions to be completed Confirm dietary and access requirements (LJ) Organise Social to take place after event (DBH) Confirm General Secretary speaking (KJ) Write and Organise workshops (DBH) Compile report of regional young members activities (DBH) Compile report of Young Members reps on external bodies (DBH)

9 Key Project Dates Registration closes: Wednesday 18 October Actual event: Saturday 16 November NEF meeting: 21 November (Report back)

10 Please support Regional Reps: Ensure your region is sending delegates Promote Gender balance for delegates Use the case study to put together a regional ym network Strand Reps: Work with you regional rep to ensure registration Identify young people in your strand who should go and encourage them to register

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