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End of Session for Undergraduate Students 2011/12 Katie Hoare and Vicki Phillips May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "End of Session for Undergraduate Students 2011/12 Katie Hoare and Vicki Phillips May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 End of Session for Undergraduate Students 2011/12 Katie Hoare and Vicki Phillips May 2011

2 Session Outline  Check module marks and recommendations  Useful marks BOXI reports  ARTs: progress decisions /degree classifications  Dealing with End of Session errors  Useful end of session BOXI reports

3 Check module marks and recommendations  Before processing students for end of session, check that all modules have marks and recommendations  ME05 Calculate Marks and Recommendations page marks and recommendations for individual modules  ES04 Module Registrations page (via M button) marks and recommendations for all modules for individual students

4 Useful marks BOXI reports  Reports located in BIRMS Students/Modules and Component Marks  Missing Marks reports to identify where students have marks missing  Module marks grid reports to check the marks that are in BIRMS and identify students with marks missing



7 Results Grid (No ARTs)

8 Assessment Periods Period of the Academic year in which  modules are assessed  marks are recorded  an Exam Board recommendation is made Two assessment periods applicable for UG:  Main  Supplementary

9 Assessment Periods Main  Standard UG – main examination period May/June  First assessment opportunity  Second sit opportunity for Resit, Repeat and First Sit modules carried from the previous year

10 Assessment Periods Supplementary  Reassessment period, usually August/September  Second (usually final) assessment opportunity  First sit opportunity for students with mitigation

11 ARTs: progress decisions and degree classifications ART: Academic Review Type = exam board recommendation/decision  Progress decisions  calculated in BIRMS for most students  dependent on module recommendations  Degree classifications  calculated in BIRMS for most students who have successfully completed  dependent on marks

12 Progress decisions (non-final years) Demonstration of progress decision ARTs:  ART A – Proceed  ART D – Proceed with Outstanding Requirements  ART C – Review  ART K – Repeat Year (or part of year) internally  ART J – External Resit/Sit  ART E – Proceed and Transfer Programme

13 Specify data in ES01 (1) Specify the data to be processed in ES01 Progression and Award Processing page  Select:  Academic Year (academic session)  Assessment Period, one of  Main  Supplementary

14 Specify data in ES01 (2)  Then specify one of:  Programme and Programme Year  Cohort  Speciality  To process students individually (optional):  specify a Student ID number,  or search for a student by last name

15 Specify data in ES01 (3)  Other options:  Excluding students who already have an ART  Processing anonymously  Student statuses can be excluded from processing if selected from the Status to exclude drop-down list (optional).  Finally, press [Enter Decisions].

16 Progress decisions ART A - Proceed  All modules:  must have marks and recommendations  must have module recommendations of P  ART A will calculate in BIRMS  Upon release it will release marks and progress the student into the next academic year and onto the next programme year

17 Progress decisions ART D – Proceed with Outstanding Requirements (1)  All modules:  must have marks and recommendations  100 or 110 credits worth of modules = P  10 or 20 credits worth of failed modules = SE, SU, ME, M, RP or RS  ART D will calculate in BIRMS

18 Progress decisions ART D – Proceed with Outstanding Requirements (2)  Upon release it will release marks and progress the student into the next academic year and onto the next programme year  Supplementary registrations will be created for the failed modules if the module recommendation was SE, SU, ME or M

19 Progress decisions ART D – Proceed with Outstanding Requirements (3)  If the module recommendation was RP or RS the student will be automatically registered for the module in the next academic year with the correct module status  If the module recommendation was M and the student is sitting it in the following academic session you will need to manually register the student for the module as a Sit and ignore their End of Session entry in the Supplementary period

20 Progress decisions ART D – Proceed with Outstanding Requirements (4)  If Year Abroad mark is unavailable  Enter a mark of 0 M  Select ART D

21 Progress decisions ART C - Review  All modules:  must have marks and recommendations  Less than 100 credits = (P) Pass  Failed modules = SE, SU, ME or M  ART C will calculate in BIRMS  Upon release it will release marks but will not progress the student into the next academic year or onto the next programme year  Supplementary registrations will be created for the failed modules

22 Progress decisions ART K – Repeat Year (or part of year) internally  If the Exam Board decision is for the student to repeat the year internally rather than re-take the assessments in the supplementary period  Manually select an ART K (module recommendations = RP or M)  Upon release module registrations will be generated for the following year

23 Progress decisions ART J – External Resit/Sit  If the decision is for the student to repeat the year externally rather than re-take the assessments in the supplementary period  Manually select an ART J (module recommendations RS or M)  Upon release module registrations will be generated for the following year

24 Progress decisions ART E – Proceed and Transfer Programme  ART E will calculate for Year 2 students on BEng/MEng or BSc/MSci programmes:  Who have enough credits to proceed (100 credits)  Students may have resits to take, either in the Supplementary Examination period or during the next academic year  Check transfer programme auto-selected, and manually reselect if necessary  Will auto-select M.Eng or M.Sci if student has a stage 2 weighted mean mark of at least 55%

25 ARTs for final year students Demonstration of final year ARTs:  ART B – Award Qualification (Successful Completion  ART G – Award Alternative Qualification

26 Degree classifications ART B – Award Qualification (1) (Successful Completion)  ART B will calculate for all students who have satisfied the requirements of their programme  ART B auto-calculation in BIRMS will take into account  Borderline  Adjusted Regulations

27 Degree classifications ART B – Award Qualification (2) (Successful Completion)  Detailed information about Distribution of Module Classes (profiling) is available in the Code of Practice on Taught Programme and Module Assessment  Detailed information about Adjusted Regulations is available in  Code of Practice on Adjusted Regulations for Bachelors Degrees  Code of Practice on Adjusted Regulations for Undergraduate Masters Degrees

28 Degree classifications ART B – Award Qualification (3) (Successful Completion)  Additional Undergraduate programmes for which ART B can now be auto-calculated from this year  Intercalated BMedSc  LLB for Graduates  MBChB  And Direct Entry students

29 Degree classifications ART B – Award Qualification (4) (Successfully Completion)  For UG Affiliated students:  Enter marks for all modules  If it has been agreed that the student will not be taking the assessment for a module, enter o mark of N o module recommendation of N (No Mark Required)  ART B should be selected, even if students have not passed all their modules

30 Degree classifications ART B – Award Qualification (5) (Successfully Completion)  If the Exam Board makes a recommendation notwithstanding regulations where mitigation is not involved, this will need to go to the Progress and Awards Board for approval.  The result is provisional until ratified by PAB.  Leave the ART field and Degree Classification blank until approval is confirmed. Otherwise, the result will be released with the other ARTs and viewable by the student on the portal.  Do not use an ART Z.

31 Degree classifications ART B – Award Qualification (6) (Successfully Completion)  ART B will not calculate for students who have not achieved sufficient credits to satisfy the requirements of their programme  BIRMS will display a message to say ‘Student has not achieved sufficient credits’.

32 Degree Classifications ART G – Award Alternative Qualification  For students who have not satisfied the requirements of their programme  manually apply ART G (Award Alternative (Lower) Qualification)  select Alternative Qualification programme from drop-down list

33 Dealing with errors Examples of common errors:  Missing mark  Missing recommendation  Student has a Hold  Student has too many credits

34 Using End of Session BOXI reports  Demonstration  Locating reports  Instructions  Running reports  Scheduling reports  Downloading reports  Manipulating downloaded report data

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