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Propagation of short pulses Jörgen Larsson, Fysiska Instutionen Lunds Tekniska Högskola.

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Presentation on theme: "Propagation of short pulses Jörgen Larsson, Fysiska Instutionen Lunds Tekniska Högskola."— Presentation transcript:

1 Propagation of short pulses Jörgen Larsson, Fysiska Instutionen Lunds Tekniska Högskola

2 Propagation of short pulses Jörgen Larsson, Fysiska Instutionen Lunds Tekniska Högskola

3 Distributed feedback laser

4 Femtosecond X-Ray and Electron Source at the SLAC Linac 80 fs 8-10 keV 1x10 7 ph./pulse (2% bw.) 10 Hz Bending compress. <100 fsec ~1 Å Add 12-meter chicane compressor in linac at 1/3-point (9 GeV) Damping Ring 9 ps 0.4 ps 50 ps 1 GeV 20-50 GeV FFTB undulator femtosecond laser (synchronized) Short-pulse accelerator sources SPPS

5 Femtosecond fiber laser


7 Splitters/Couplers

8 Femtosecond fiber laser

9 Wavelength Division Multiplexers

10 Bragg grating

11 Bandpass filter for fiber optics

12 Manufacturing Bragg gratings

13 Representation of short pulses Gaussian pulses Carrier EnvelopeAmplitude Frequency

14 Representing ”chirp”

15 Time-bandwidth product- Transform limited pulses If the pulse is chirped it is wider in the temporal domain Gaussian pulse

16 Propagation of a range of frequencies After the pulse has propagated the distance x

17 Propagation of a range of frequencies




21 Group velocity dispersion

22 Propagation of a range of frequencies


24 GVD wavelength form Whiteboard

25 Group velocity dispersion compensation All matererials show a positive GVD in the visible range – hence various set-ups have been deviced for GVD compensation

26 GVD compensation using prisms

27 Chirped mirrors

28 Dispersion compensation using Bragg gratings

29 Time-varying refractive indes Self-phase modulation FIG 2.18

30 Time-varying refractive indes Self-phase modulation

31 Passive modelocking Kerr lens

32 Matrix representaiton of beam propagation


34 Beam propagation in a linear cavity

35 Stability analysis of Kerr-lens mode- locked laser Propagation matrix General stability criterion 2-mirror cavity Stability criterion

36 Beampropagation in a folded cavity (out of plane – approx for in-plane)

37 Beampropagation including Kerr- lens

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