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How to help your child with reading at home. Mrs Harle (Year 1) & Mrs Hunter (Year 2) Want to keep updated about learning & events our school? Follow us.

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Presentation on theme: "How to help your child with reading at home. Mrs Harle (Year 1) & Mrs Hunter (Year 2) Want to keep updated about learning & events our school? Follow us."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to help your child with reading at home. Mrs Harle (Year 1) & Mrs Hunter (Year 2) Want to keep updated about learning & events our school? Follow us on twitter… @TVI_MrsHarle @TVI_MrsHunter

2 What happens in school? Reading Tips What to do if your child says ‘I’m stuck’ – Should I tell them? Sign-posting children to a strategy. Extending children’s learning Online Resources

3 Keys skills to support successful reading…

4 Thames View Infants Paired Reading Reading and Spelling Workshop Guided Reading with a group of children Hearing children read





9 Top Tips

10 Do you know which book band colour your child is reading?

11 4a/5Burgundy 4bgrey 4cblack 3acopper 3blime 3cwhite 2agold 2bpurple 2cturquoise 1aorange 1bgreen 1cblue 1c-yellow wred wpink End of Year 2 End of Year 1 Book Band Colours & National Curriculum Levels

12 What do I say when my child is stuck on a word when reading?

13 Which strategies do you encourage your child to use?

14 Phonic s Sight Words Comprehensi on

15 jv wxy z zz qu sh ng ai ee oo th igh ow oi ch oa light down week

16 Show an enthusiasm for books & reading Discuss the front cover Relate the book to your child’s own experiences Read the book to your child Highlight important words Emphasis words that are on every page Top tips for engaging your child with reading

17 Finger pointing (Pink & Red) The big dog jumped up and down. The big cat jumped up and down.







24 mending

25 pink grand pond never mending snowball friend





30 What does that mean?

31 Ask your child some of these questions when they’re reading to develop their comprehension skills. Before your child starts reading, you can discuss: What does the front cover tell us about the book? Where can you find the blurb? What information does it tell us? Whilst your child is reading, you can ask: What do you think might happen next? Why do you think they did that? What does that word mean? Do you know any other words that mean the same? Which word tells you the character is nervous / upset / excited? When they have finished reading, you can ask: Who were the main characters? Can you describe the main characters / What are they like? Are there any clues in the book to help you find out? What does the author think about _____? How did the author make you feel? If your child is reading a non-fiction / information book, you can ask: Using the contents, on which page can you find _____? Where is the index / glossary? How does it help us? Using the glossary, what does the word _____ mean?

32 Developing Inference

33 Extending Learning... What activities do you do at home with your child?





38 Using key words in a sentence and I skipped to the park with mum and dad.


40 Online Resources http://www.thamesview- Cbeebies – alphablocks Phonicsvowels Phonics Forest Phonics (aimed at phase 3 above)

41 Book Band Colours & Phonic Phases Phase 6Burgundy grey black copper lime white Phase 5gold purple turquoise Phase 4orange green Phase 3blue yellow Phase 2red pink

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