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Published byLawson Moberley Modified over 10 years ago
College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education PSYOP and Counter PSYOP IW-110 Good Morning!, My name is ____________ and I will be presenting to you the lecture entitled Introduction to Information Warfare. This is the 1st lecture in the 100 series which introduces you to IW and looks at each of its components. This will be an informal lecture which means you are welcome to add thoughts or ask questions at any point. You should have received some background readings in your welcome packet as you checked in with billeting. I encourage you to read it for greater depth of understanding. CADRE Mission is to Educate Air Force warfighters by advancing the theory and application of air and space power. IWAC objective is To provide students with the intellectual tools required to develop, plan, and apply information warfare concepts, ideas, and doctrine during peacetime, conflict, and war
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker AFDD 2-5 INFORMATION SUPERIORITY INFORMATION OPERATIONS ISR Precision Nav & Position Other Info Collection/ Dissemination Activities PAO Weather INFORMATION-in-WARFARE exploit gain INFORMATION WARFARE DEFENSIVE COUNTERINFORMATION OFFENSIVE Counter- Intelligence Information Assurance OPSEC Propaganda Deception Electronic Protect CND PAO PSYOP Physical Attack Military Warfare CNA defend attack Here is the construct or framework for Information Operations. We are going to expose you to each of the elements throughout the week ahead. Successfully executed Information Operations achieve information superiority
Outline Publications & Players Definition Categories & Types
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Outline Publications & Players Definition Categories & Types Principles & Objectives Organization Environment Counterpropaganda Tools Examples OVERVIEW Here’s what we’re going to be talking about today.
Key Publications 1990 PSYOP Master Plan DoD Directive S3321.1
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Key Publications 1990 PSYOP Master Plan DoD Directive S3321.1 Joint Pub 3-53 Air Force Doctrine Document 2-5.3 AFI Army FM Just in case you want to do a little light reading on the PSYOP subject, here’s the pubs you should start with. The 1985 PSYOP Master Plan really revitalized military PSYOP and ensured that PSYOP would be injected into military operations at all levels. With changes in legislation, the organization of USSOCOM, and changes in foreign policy, the Master Plan was rewritten in 1990. DoD Directive S assigned responsibilities and provided policy guidance for conducting PSYOP. Joint Pub 3-53 provides guidance to joint force commanders and provides doctrine for joint operations and training. AFDD provides Air Force PSYOP doctrine. AFI explains how to plan and execute PSYOP, delineates MAJCOM and FOAs responsibilities. Since Air Force PSYOP should never be conducted independently, Air Force doctrine and joint doctrine fall closely in line with each other and share many of the same principles.
The Players HQ USSOCOM HQ USASOC 2nd Psychological Operations Group
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker The Players HQ USSOCOM HQ USASOC 2nd Psychological Operations Group 4th Psychological Operations Group 7th Psychological Operations Group HQ AIA/OL-HC (Hulburt Field) HQ AIA Psychological Operations Division, AFIWC, 67th Information Operations Wing, and IW Flights 193rd Special Operations Wing USSOCOM is executive agent and force provider of all CONUS based PSYOP units. For the Air Force, we have a couple of main players - the PSYOP office at AIA and the 193 Special Operations Wing. The AIA office is fast becoming the focal point for all Air Force PSYOP activities, while the 193rd flies the Commando Solo aircraft. We’ll talk a little about that platform later on. The Army takes care of most of the PSYOP activities for the the US military. Their PSYOP missions are conducted by the 2nd, 4th, and 7th Psychological Operations Groups with the 4th POG taking on most of the responsibilities. It plans and conducts PSYOP activities worldwide in peacetime all the way through war. So if you want to know about Army PSYOP go see the 4th POG. Although the services bring or support various PSYOP capabilities to the fight, close coordination with USSOCOM is essential.
Psychological Operations (PSYOP)
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Psychological Operations (PSYOP) …planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately their behavior to favor friendly objectives. AFDD 2-5.3 PSYOP is a vital piece of the puzzle used to secure national objectives. It’s the dissemination of truthful information to foreign audiences in support of US policy and national objectives. Remember, this is OUR definition - other countries may elect to leave out the truthful part.
PSYOP Categories Strategic Operational Tactical Consolidation
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker PSYOP Categories Strategic Operational Tactical Consolidation PSYOP runs the entire gamut of military operations - from peace, all the way through war. It can provide a critical, force-multiplying capability that can be used at all levels of operations. According to AFDD 2-5.5, PSYOP can be broken down into four categories - strategic, operational, tactical, and consolidation.. It’s important to understand that these categories may overlap. For example, a tactical leaflet that’s picked up and broadcast on TV, may take on strategic significance. So obviously, the lines aren’t always going to be clear cut.
Strategic PSYOP Global in scope Promotes favorable U.S. image
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Strategic PSYOP Global in scope Promotes favorable U.S. image Supports long-term goals Maintains stability Directed by National Command Authorities Strategic PSYOP advance broad or long-term objectives. It’s global in nature and may be directed toward large audiences or at key personnel. This would include statements from the president, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, or any other high level official. The intent here is to gain or maintain stability and to meet long-term goals. For example, comments made by President Clinton about Iraq not allowing UN inspectors access to certain facilities were designed to gain worldwide support for the UN effort.
Operational PSYOP Targets regional audiences Gains support
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Operational PSYOP Targets regional audiences Gains support Weakens opposition Creates concern Counters enemy propaganda Operational PSYOP is conducted on a smaller scale. It’s employed by theater commanders to target groups within the theater of operations. The purpose can range from gaining support for U.S. operations to preparing the battlefield for combat.
Tactical PSYOP Supports cover and concealment
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Tactical PSYOP Supports cover and concealment Disrupts local operations Provides surrender instructions Limited to short term objectives Tactical PSYOP is more limited. It’s used by commanders to secure immediate and near-term goals. The objectives here are to enhance your operations by lowering the morale and efficiency of enemy forces.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Consolidation PSYOP Supports force protection in potentially hostile environments Supports U.S. objectives Maximizes operational freedom Bolsters foreign internal defense operations Though it isn’t immediately obvious, consolidation PSYOP refers to PSYOP conducted in potentially hostile environments. Basically, you can think of this as MOOTW PSYOP. It’s the PSYOP that we do in places like Bosnia, Somalia, and Haiti. Essentially, you are trying to gain support for whatever reasons the US happens to be there, and you also want to allow the troops in that country to be able to do their jobs with as little resistance as possible.
Types of PSYOP Cohesive Divisive
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Types of PSYOP Cohesive Divisive While you can look at PSYOP according to its category, you can also look at it according to its type. There are two basic types of PSYOP - cohesive and divisive. Essentially, you are trying to unite a group of people or divide a group of people.
Cohesive PSYOP Develops national unity
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Cohesive PSYOP Develops national unity Promotes favorable government images Provides public information Improves civil-military relations Counters hostile propaganda Redirects interests Unites audience against common foe Cohesive PSYOP obviously refers to trying to unite a group of people. Specifically, these are the things you’re trying to do. Show the local government in a favorable light. Provide public information such as where food and water supplies would be located. Improve civil and military relations and make sure the population knows the truth about any hostile messages they might be exposed to. Cohesive PSYOP can also be used to redirect interests to a common direction so that everyone knows who the real enemy is.
Divisive PSYOP Exploits vulnerabilities & failures
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Divisive PSYOP Exploits vulnerabilities & failures Encourages dissension Weakens opposition Exploits intolerance & prejudice* Encourages defection and inaction (apathy) Emphasizes self-interest Divisive PSYOP does exactly the opposite. Here you are trying to exploit a population’s weaknesses, encourage dissension among the troops, and in general, make the enemy lose its will to fight.
Why use PSYOP? Low cost/High impact
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Why use PSYOP? Low cost/High impact Untapped force multiplier in aerospace Information Operations Leverages Technological advances Creates favorable (psychosocial) conditions for (joint) air and IO campaigns Provides full-dimensional IO Conserves forces For you non-believers out there who might ask this question, the two-word answer is “force multiplier.” The long answer is what you see here. It provides leverage for our commanders, it’s relatively cheap compared to bombs and missiles, yet it can have a great impact on your enemy’s actions. In the end, it will preclude the need to deploy additional forces and it will reduce the period of the operation.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker PSYOP Principles Requires defined, clear objectives; must be decomposed from theater objectives Based on thorough analysis (Target / Product analysis worksheets) Appropriate dissemination Cultural UNDERSTANDING vs awareness Analysis of results Proactive vs reactive MP-4 To make sure that you run an effective PSYOP campaign, there’s a few principles you need to follow. The methods, or course, are going to vary depending on your target audience, but the basic ideas are the same. Obviously, you want clear objectives - what is it you’re trying to accomplish with PSYOP? Do your homework - make sure you can communicate to your audience in terms that they can relate to. Evaluate your results to make sure you’re doing what you want to do - and adjust your messages as necessary. Use the appropriate media - if you’re planning on broadcasting TV clips, make sure your audience has access to TVs. And finally, decrease your enemy’s will to put up resistance.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker What can PSYOP do? Provides full-dimensional IO through psychological preparation of the battlespace Can achieve objectives before introduction of forces Key player in force protection and targeting Broadens PSYOP beyond special operations Facilitates force protection Provides lethal and non-lethal PSYOP alternatives So what can PSYOP do for you? This of course is going to depend on your situation, but in general, this is what you want do with PSYOP. You want to reduce the efficiency of your enemy’s fighting forces, obtain cooperation from multinational partners and neutral nations, and advance friendly efforts by influencing selected groups of people.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker How Does PSYOP Fit In? THEATER CINC JTF So how does PSYOP fit in? The Theater CINC develops PSYOP campaign plans for his region. During peacetime, he coordinates his plans with various government agencies and forwards them to the NCA for approval. During war, the CINC has final approval authority. If he wants, he can delegate approval authority in full or in part down to a JTF commander, if there is one, or the senior PSYOP commander. Personnel at all levels must ensure that all PSYOP activities are in line with the CINC's plan. In other words, make sure your themes don’t conflict. You should also note that the Joint PSYOP Task Force Commander is on the same level as the other force commanders as well as the Special Ops Task Force Commander. So the JPOTF Commander carries a lot of weight. ARFOR MARFOR AFFOR NAVFOR JSOTF JPOTF
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Joint PSYOP Task Force JPOTF PROD DEV 193d SOW TACTICAL ELEMENTS NAVY FIW GRP DISSEM BN EPW/CI Real quickly, I don’t want this to turn into one big org chart. Here’s the basics of a typical Joint PSYOP task force. The JPOTF is made up of multi-service PSYOP forces. It includes units focusing on Enemy Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees, product development, Air Force assets such as Commando Solo, Army PSYOP support elements from the corps, division, and brigade levels, Navy assets such as from the Fleet Information Warfare Group, and dissemination battalions that take care of getting the product out to the target audience. AF
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Recent Operations PROVIDE PROMISE PROVEN FORCE ANDREW SOUTHERN WATCH SAFE HAVEN JOINT ENDEAVOR UPHOLD DEMOCRACY URGENT FURY PROVIDE COMFORT DESERT STORM GTMO JTF-SWA LASER STRIKE ALLIED FORCE JUST CAUSE PACIFIC HAVEN UNITED SHIELD This chart depicts some of the recent operations in which PSYOP has been used. You can see that PSYOP is not just some novelty that’s used every once in a while. It’s an integral part of our operations and will continue to be used in just about every operation in which we take part. PROMOTE LIBERTY PROVIDE REFUGE RESTORE HOPE ASSURED RESPONSE PROMPT RETURN
Operational Environment
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Operational Environment Multiple participants (combined) Support all options Information Age Multicultural environments Non-state actors This is what we’re facing today. We have to do our job alongside other services, other countries, and other agencies. And, we have to be prepared to support all possible options - whether it’s sending a security force over or simply providing humanitarian assistance. We have to adapt to this new information age and all of the technology that goes along with it. Also, since we do have our hand in so many baskets around the world, it’s imperative that we understand the cultures in which we operate. And some of those cultures may not even be associated with a particular nation, but may be something like a terrorist group or a drug cartel.
Future Environment Internet Global community Technological advances
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Future Environment Internet Global community Technological advances Sophisticated adversaries Flexibility The future... And this is what we’ll be facing tomorrow. Cyberspace is here and it’s only going to get bigger and faster - we’re going to rely on the computer more and more in the future. And this may very well be the future way we conduct PSYOP. The CNN factor - instant information from nearly anywhere in the world pumped right into your living room. People now expect to know what’s happening as it’s happening. Right now, we’re the only policeman on the block. Unfortunately, that means we’re probably going to places around the world that we don’t necessarily want to go to. And finally, we have always played by the rules, but other countries don’t necessarily play by the same set of rules. We may have to change our tactics a little if we are going to deal with some of these more hostile players.
Non-state Actors Cartels: Fujimori (President of Peru) and Escobar
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Non-state Actors Cartels: Fujimori (President of Peru) and Escobar Terrorists: Sep 11, USS Cole, Kuwait, Doha So what can PSYOP do for you? This of course is going to depend on your situation, but in general, this is what you want do with PSYOP. You want to reduce the efficiency of your enemy’s fighting forces, obtain cooperation from multinational partners and neutral nations, and advance friendly efforts by influencing selected groups of people.
Hostile Propaganda Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Hostile Propaganda Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Engineered in a US lab at Fort Detrick Spread by criminals and homosexuals Soviet PSYOP campaign Newspaper articles Foreign Press Baby Parts Key Players (Iraq, Iran, North Korea, China) Here’s an example of a PSYOP campaign that took place not too long ago. Who can tell me where AIDS came from? Africa? No. It cam from a military laboratory at Fort Detrick in Maryland. It was actually an experiment that went bad and resulted in this deadly virus that we all know about today. When researchers realized what they had created, they decided to spread this virus through criminals and homosexuals. What do you think, sound plausible? Well, the Soviets were hoping it would. This was all just a campaign put on to try to make the world believe that the US created AIDS and was trying to spread it around the world. The campaign started with articles in Soviet newspapers. The story picked up a little steam when it was presented at this Non-aligned Summit. And it picked up a lot of steam when it was run by the Soviet News Agency Novosti. From there, the foreign press picked it up and the story was run all over the world. It took them a while, but the Soviets finally succeeded at getting their story run worldwide. While the story was later refuted by experts worldwide and many retractions were run, the Soviets did manage to get the world thinking that the US was out to destroy the world - at least for a little while.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Counterpropaganda AFDD 2-5 Those efforts to negate, neutralize, diminish the effects of, or gain advantage from foreign PSYOP or propaganda efforts. Disrupt, degrade, and disable adversary PSYOP Public Affairs Operations Combat Camera Military Information Dissemination OCI Operations Credibility and ground truth are key concepts to fighting adversary propaganda MP-7 Counter-PSYOP - basically, this is what you do in order to ensure that friendly forces and populations are not influenced by the enemy’s PSYOP efforts. Once you identify these efforts, you need to counter them. Some of the ways you can do this include Public Affairs - where you get the truth out about how things are really going; Combat Camera - where you record what is happening out on the battlefield, remember, a picture is worth a thousand words; and military information dissemination programs can communicate accurate information to friendly troops. These things will minimize the intended effects of the adversary’s messages. OCI - the best defense is a good offense. This includes operations such as information attack, physical attack, or EW. These activities can make it a lot harder for the enemy to get his message across. In addition, platforms like Commando Solo, UAVs, and broadcast satellites can also support counter-PSYOP and PA activities.
PSYOP Tools Leaflets Loudspeakers Radio/TV Broadcasts
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker PSYOP Tools Leaflets Loudspeakers Radio/TV Broadcasts Newspapers/Magazines Face to face Internet Next up, we’re going to take a look at a few PSYOP tools.
Afghanistan Leaflet IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker
Our aerospace domain encompasses air, space, and information operations. Air, space, and information operations are inherently intertwined and - more and more - we are discovering our missions involve all three. Information operations aren’t medium-dependent. Air Force doctrine recognizes that air and space operations can also support information operations’ objectives and vice versa. For example, a B-2 dropping a munition with GPS guidance on a C2 node is an information operation, but it incorporates all three mediums. Generally, it is the intent behind a particular mission or action that determines whether it’s an air, space, or info operation, not the medium used to conduct the operation. Whoever has the ability to best gain, exploit, defend, and attack information while denying an adversary the ability to do the same has a substantial advantage on the battlefield. Information operations encompass the preparation for and conduct of all levels of conflict -- from the national strategic level to operational and tactical engagements. In the future, we will conduct information operations in air, space and, increasingly, in cyberspace.
Afghanistan Leaflet IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker
Our aerospace domain encompasses air, space, and information operations. Air, space, and information operations are inherently intertwined and - more and more - we are discovering our missions involve all three. Information operations aren’t medium-dependent. Air Force doctrine recognizes that air and space operations can also support information operations’ objectives and vice versa. For example, a B-2 dropping a munition with GPS guidance on a C2 node is an information operation, but it incorporates all three mediums. Generally, it is the intent behind a particular mission or action that determines whether it’s an air, space, or info operation, not the medium used to conduct the operation. Whoever has the ability to best gain, exploit, defend, and attack information while denying an adversary the ability to do the same has a substantial advantage on the battlefield. Information operations encompass the preparation for and conduct of all levels of conflict -- from the national strategic level to operational and tactical engagements. In the future, we will conduct information operations in air, space and, increasingly, in cyberspace.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker WWII Leaflet Just before Hitler's troops invaded France, they showered the country with these leaf-shaped leaflets bearing the message: "Autumn, the leaves are falling. We will fall like them.... Next spring nobody will remember either the dead leaves or the dead soldiers."
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Vietnam Leaflet "Vietcong Beware! There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide! This leaflet warned the Vietcong that their efforts were hopeless and that no matter what, we were going to find them and destroy them.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Persian Gulf Leaflet The story behind this leaflet is pretty interesting. It was dropped in plastic water bottles off the coast of Kuwait. No words were printed on it and no comments were made about it. The press picked these things up, saw the marine crashing onto the beach, and assumed that the leaflets were a warning of an impending amphibious assault. As we all know, there wasn’t an amphibious assault, so this turned out to be part of the deception to make the Iraqis believe that we were coming from the coast. The press wasn’t too happy about this leaflet - they claimed we lied to them. In reality, we didn’t say a thing - they were the ones who made the assumptions. This particular example really emphasizes the importance of integrating the elements to gain the maximum effect. In this case, PSYOP was an integral part of a deception campaign to tie up Iraqi forces.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Persian Gulf Leaflet A total of 29 million leaflets were dropped over the Kuwaiti theater. This one is a safe conduct pass that tells Iraqi soldiers what they need to do in order to surrender. Obviously it was designed to look like Iraqi money so that soldiers could conceal the fact that they had one of these leaflets in their possession. Iraqi soldiers would be severely punished if they were found with coalition leaflets in their possession.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Loudspeakers Loudspeakers are another tool used to convey PSYOP messages. They can be mounted on vehicles, helicopters and even backpacks that soldiers can carry. Backpack systems were used extensively in Panama to clear houses before they were searched.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Radio/TV Broadcasts Commando Solo performs the US Air Force's only airborne radio and television broadcast mission. The 193d Special Operations Wing does this with six specially configured EC-130 aircraft. These aircraft can broadcast radio and TV for virtually any contingency or national disaster. The 193d has seen combat action in Southeast Asia, Grenada, Panama, and Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Additionally, in 1994, the unit conducted operations over Haiti during Operation Uphold Democracy. There, Commando Solo broadcast messages from ousted President Aristide and played a crucial role in transitioning that country back to the legitimate government in a peaceful manner.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Newspapers/Magazines This is a famous World War II newspaper aimed at German civilians, but also dropped over German soldiers in the field. It contained all kinds of news that was, for the most part, true. We didn't have to lie too much to the German people. In this edition, the German efforts were described as hopeless.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Newspapers/Magazines Here’s another newspaper example. This is a paper from Pakistan that came out on February 28th, I’m not really sure why Pakistan did this, but as you can see they did and this something that had to be dealt with.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Newspapers/Magazines Here’s some very effective PSYOP that was used in Bosnia a few years ago. For quite a while, forces had only limited success at trying to educate children on the dangers of unexploded land mines. They had been using mostly posters that showed people with limbs missing and warning against the lurking dangers. PSYOP forces finally got the idea to put the message in something that kids could relate to - a comic book. These comic books became very popular items with children and were credited with a decrease in mine accidents. Note that one of the sponsors is DC comics - so these things really do look like your everyday comic book.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Face to Face PSYOP was well integrated into Operation Just Cause in Panama. At the tactical level, loud speaker teams convinced the enemy to cease resistance and surrender and innocent civilians to stay out of harm's way. At the strategic level, loudspeaker, radio, and TV assets helped to minimize interference and resistance and foster support for US military operations and efforts by the Panamanian government to restore law and order. In addition to these assets, Volant Solo - this was Commando Solo before it was renamed - made TV and radio broadcasts. To prevent any hostile propaganda, we commandeered the national TV channel and deployed a 10,000-watt radio station. Also, posters and newspapers kept the public informed and neutralized any hostile propaganda. Virtually all operations were successful as indicated by enemy surrenders, public response, civilian compliance, absence of hostile propaganda, and restoration of commercial information services.
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Miscellaneous And finally, one miscellaneous tool. During the Gulf War, Iraqi soldiers were warned that if they didn’t surrender, they were going be bombed with the largest conventional weapon in the world. The next day they were hit with the BLU-82 - a 15,000 pound conventional bomb. When the next warning came, Iraqi soldiers didn't need any more convincing. Among the defectors influenced by the BLU-82 was an intelligence officer who had maps of the minefields along the Kuwait border. This information gave us a great advantage when the ground war kicked off. So to have a psychological effect, the tool doesn’t have to be a leaflet or a loudspeaker pounds per square inch of down pressure can also have a pretty severe psychological impact. Anybody know what the BLU-82 was initially designed for? Clearing landing zones in Vietnam. This is one of the things we try to emphasize - some of the most effective tools can be existing tools used in new and innovative ways.
Future Tools Direct Broadcast Satellite Broadcasting from UAVs
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker Future Tools Direct Broadcast Satellite Broadcasting from UAVs Video insertion Morphing systems Voice digitization Computer archiving LASER Imaging Holographic Projection Graphics Technology Cross Cultural PSYOP Model These are some of the future tools that are going to affect the way that psychological operations are conducted. Direct Broadcast Satellite - this will allow you to broadcast anywhere in the world to users with satellite dishes as small as 18 inches across. You’ll also be able to broadcast from UAVs - possibly giving the public instant images from the battlefield. Video insertion, morphing technology, and voice digitization - these could all provide you the ability to alter someone’s appearance, message, voice, emotions, intent, etc, etc, etc. Computer archiving - soon you’ll be able to retrieve, via computer, anything that you see on TV or hear on the radio or see in a magazine. The amount of images and information available will be astounding. LASER imaging and holographic projection will provide new dissemination methods. Instead of a loudspeakers or leaflets, you simply project your message on the night sky where it could be seen and heard by entire cities. And finally advances in graphics technology will give you surreal images such as this that will give PSYOP messages a whole new look.
No matter what tool you use...
IW 110 PSYOP Notetaker No matter what tool you use... The truth is the best PSYOP! No matter what tool you use, it’s always better to speak the truth. It’s not only very difficult to dispute the truth, but when you do get caught telling a lie, it’s very hard to get your credibility back - it may be a long time before anyone believes any more of your PSYOP messages.
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