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World War II By Natalie Doe When did World War II start and finish? And finished in 1945 It started in 1939.

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2 World War II By Natalie Doe

3 When did World War II start and finish? And finished in 1945 It started in 1939

4 Adolph Hitler Adolph Hitler Adolph Hitler was born on the 20 th Adolph Hitler was born on the 20 th April,1889 and died on the 30th April April,1889 and died on the 30th April was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 and leader of Germany from 1934 until and leader of Germany from 1934 until until his death. He was the leader of the until his death. He was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, better known as the Nazis Party. National Socialist German Workers Party, better known as the Nazis Party.

5 The Bombs that fall In the Second World War there were many people killed but the bombs themselves weren’t that harmful as the pieces of metal, glass and many other sharp materials from buildings and factories.

6 WWII Aircraft On the 1 st September, 1939, Germany, led by Adolph Hitler and the Nazis Party, invaded Poland. The United Kingdom and France responded by declaring war on Germany on the 3 rd September. By summer 1941, Germany had conquered France and most of Western Europe, but failed to subdue the United Kingdom due to the success of the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy. Navy.

7 Thank you for reading and listening to my presentation

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