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Simulation Speciality Lead Report in O & G Dib Datta, Simulation Lead, O & G, KSS.

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Presentation on theme: "Simulation Speciality Lead Report in O & G Dib Datta, Simulation Lead, O & G, KSS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulation Speciality Lead Report in O & G Dib Datta, Simulation Lead, O & G, KSS

2 Simulation Faculty within MTW NHS Trust Simulation Lead Paul Moran A + E Peter Martin Anaesthetics Cheron Bailey, Garth Somerville Medicine Chris Thom O & G Dib Datta, Maggie Matthews Paediatrics Bim Bhaduri SurgerySimon Bailey

3 Simulation: Trust Core Agenda The Trust has a unified Simulation Training Committee/Faculty. The Faculty is made up of dedicated people, with a wider circle of interested parties who can instigate and run courses Speciality-led simulation sessions, rather than simulation lead-led on all occasions

4 Simulation: Trust Core Agenda The remit of this Faculty will be to coordinate and control the funding of simulation training throughout the Trust That the Faculty finds ways of generating funds from simulation That we appoint a Practitioner to oversee maintenance of equipment, and to aid in organisation and running of courses

5 Simulation so far: MTW Trust Sim Man and Gaumard Newborn HAL were purchased in 2010, with KSS Deanery funds and the SIFT fund Sim Man was installed in the Clinical Skills Lab at the PGMEC with video links to a control room & a debrief/observation room Laerdel-run training was provided for 8 consultants free of charge, in Mar ‘11

6 The Sim Mom

7 Simulation so far: MTW Trust A trial run, (attended by an official of the KSS Deanery Education department was present) was conducted; where trainers offered simulation training to their colleagues before it was rolled out to trainees FY1 Foundation trainees at MTW Trust commenced simulation training in Feb ’11 and completed it by May 2011 in order to complete their FY1 competences The Trust has approximately 60 x F1 trainees. This was done with 6 specific scenarios in 4 hr. afternoon sessions to accommodate groups of 5 FY1 trainees

8 O & G Simulation: Trust Agenda To gain KSS Deanery grant to fund places for all the Trust’s FY2s to attend O & G simulation training sessions Trust O&G half days, with emergency scenarios, with excellent feedback Planning different simulation levels for FY2 & ST3/4 trainees, to reflect application of different levels of knowledge based skills

9 O & G Simulation @ KSS Sim MoM launch by Laerdal on 4 th July ’11 Aim to purchase two such at £ 25,000 each for Maidstone & Chicester for equity in geographical spread across KSS

10 O & G Simulation @ KSS KSS Deanery O & G Cttee Meeting (4 th May ’11) have decided on KSS running 13 RTD’s in two years plus two inductions There is a rolling programme from October, with an opportunity for ST1/ ST2 trainees to attend two simulation days/year

11 O & G Simulation @ KSS Each RTD will comprise of ½ day of O & G simulation with ½ day of other topics; with the trainee group split in two; and interchanging in the AM & PM sessions 13 RTD’s over 2 yrs would hence give @ 3-4 simulation learning opportunities per year

12 O & G Simulation @ KSS Regional Training Days: 20/05/11 – Royal Surrey County Hospital 17/06/11 – Pembury Hospital 16/09/11 – London GSTT 09/12/11 – William Harvey Hospital Simulation training to ST1/ ST2 trainees was imparted on 17 th June ’11, with excellent feedback

13 O & G Simulation @ KSS KSS O & G TPD & Lead for O & G Sim to visit Sim Training Day @ St. Thomas’s on 16/09/11 The aim is to visit all Trusts; giving each Trust the opportunity to sell their unit to the trainees Sim provision is for ST1/ ST2 only at this stage There will need to be discussion about how this will work after the joint separation

14 O & G Simulation @ KSS A poster for KSS O & G simulation is under development by Sim Lead & Jon Nodding, presented (separate attachment) Two O & G simulation scenarios for high fidelity training have been developed by the KSS O & G Sim Lead, presented (separate attachment)

15 Thank you

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