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Jack Woodhams York FIS.  Why bother?  Who we spoke to and findings  How it works  The website  What now?

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Presentation on theme: "Jack Woodhams York FIS.  Why bother?  Who we spoke to and findings  How it works  The website  What now?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jack Woodhams York FIS

2  Why bother?  Who we spoke to and findings  How it works  The website  What now?

3  The new SEN Reforms – Sept 2014  Local authorities are expected to publish a clear, transparent ‘local offer’ of services, developed with parents and young people, so everyone knows what is available.  A single place, which helps people to understand what services they and their family can expect from a range of local agencies. This includes: information on services in education; health and social care and legal rights.

4  From consultation with parents and professionals, the website is something on a local level that is needed  Regularly updated website, continually changing as provisions do  Website can be updated instantly  Education, Health and Care Plan  My manager challenged me to create the best local offer website in England

5 FINDINGS – what people wanted from their local offer:  Simple to use and easy to navigate, no jargon and simple language (not too wordy).  Prior to diagnoses support.  Phone number, to speak to someone  LOCAL OFFER name??????  Signpost to useful, relevant websites and organisations  Signpost to more in-depth information if needed.  Search bar  Q&A (common questions)  Case studies Who we spoke to and findings Time For You groups, CANDI monthly meeting, Integrated Service Conference & National Meeting, Sheffield.

6  The site will be managed by FIS new Info Officer – Elizabeth Webster  We must ensure parents are aware of it, use it and take ownership of it HOW WE DO THIS:  You????  Families can register with the FIS+ to receive regular information.  Grown by 200 -440 in 2013  Families will receive three newsletters a year and a free MAX card.

7  Mobile phones at the ready  iPads at the ready  Laptops at the ready 


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