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Careers support for research staff Tracey Wells Assistant Director/Careers Adviser.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers support for research staff Tracey Wells Assistant Director/Careers Adviser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers support for research staff Tracey Wells Assistant Director/Careers Adviser

2  Encouraging and enabling university researchers to make and implement well informed decisions about their careers by: –providing free, impartial and professional careers advice –supporting you in recognising and developing the attributes necessary for successful career development –enabling you to appreciate and explore the range of opportunities available –assisting you in clarifying your values, interests, abilities and skills and to relate these to possible career options –providing access to a wide variety of careers information and resources to facilitate the formulation and implementation of career plans The Careers Service: what we do

3 The Careers Service: how we support you  Careers guidance discussions  Confidential, one-to-one, 15/45mins  At the Careers Service or monthly at hospitals  Can be used to plan your approach and identify options  CV/application feedback and interview preparation   Resources and information on various careers  Career Connect  Email for an account  Events and vacancy databases, online resources, Oxford Careers Network (alumni database)  Information and events  Reference and take away materials  Skills, occupational and employer presentations

4 Workshops for research staff  Career Management - 3.5hours  Self reflection and group discussion to identify skills, motivations and career paths  Job Search, CV & Interview Skills – full day/two half days  Job searching skills, effective CVs and applications  Interview preparation and practice  Too late to change direction? A career change workshop for research staff  To PhD or not to PhD? A career pathways workshop for Research Assistants  Book via

5 Events for research staff  Academic Applications and Interview Skills (for science and engineering researchers) - termly  Women in Academic Careers - termly  What do scientists do? Career options event for researchers – annually  The ten steps to planning your career (1hour) – on request  Other talks, workshops and events in divisions and departments – ad hoc and on request  Book via Career Connect –

6 Top tips…  Get started early making a plan, in a way that works for you  Make the most of the people, and other resources, around you now  Plug into alumni networks - college, department, OCN  Think transferable - know your skills and strengths  Test the water - visit potential places of work  Have a plan B, and perhaps also C  Update your CV - and get feedback

7 Useful careers websites  – resource for those considering an academic career  - national researcher portal  - Higher Education graduate careers  – information on occupational sectors  – academic and related vacancies in the UK and Europe, careers information  – for great videos on interviews and much more  - international academic and research vacancies

8 Contact us…  Web:  Telephone: 01865 274646  Email:  In person: 56 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6PA  Opening hours: 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (10am-7pm on Thursdays)

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