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Focussing on Personal Budgets

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Presentation on theme: "Focussing on Personal Budgets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Focussing on Personal Budgets
Peta Smith – Commissioning Manager Children’s and Adult’s Services

2 What’s new Children and Families Act Care Act
Winterbourne View response Personal Health Budgets Integrated Personal Commissioning Increased take up of Direct Payments We have a programme of change that is being managed under a project management approach. There are a number of key workstreams in the project, including market development. We have to review our whole internal processes – how do we ensure our assessments are properly outcome focussed? How does the assessment translate into an indicative budget? Who will do support planning? Who agrees/ signs off the support plan. We will be using the processes that have been developed for adults to date, but checking that they cover the needs of children and families – may then be some adjustments. We don’t have everything right! Learning: Good quality assessments and creative, well planned support plans are key to the success of personalisation. It takes time. 18 months for our first PB because we didn’t have our processes in place. But it will take time to get our processes right even though we are learning from ASC journey Four years in and we still don’t have everyone with a creative and flexible support plan – we have had to accept that some changes have had to be incremental to match our internal change, or the change possible in the market (e.g. Choice ISF)

3 Children and Families Bill - SEND
Integrated assessments (education, health and social care – EHC) and integrated commissioning (health and local authority) Duty to publish a Local Offer Right to request a Personal Budget We have a programme of change that is being managed under a project management approach. There are a number of key workstreams in the project, including market development. We have to review our whole internal processes – how do we ensure our assessments are properly outcome focussed? How does the assessment translate into an indicative budget? Who will do support planning? Who agrees/ signs off the support plan. We will be using the processes that have been developed for adults to date, but checking that they cover the needs of children and families – may then be some adjustments. We don’t have everything right! Learning: Good quality assessments and creative, well planned support plans are key to the success of personalisation. It takes time. 18 months for our first PB because we didn’t have our processes in place. But it will take time to get our processes right even though we are learning from ASC journey Four years in and we still don’t have everyone with a creative and flexible support plan – we have had to accept that some changes have had to be incremental to match our internal change, or the change possible in the market (e.g. Choice ISF)

4 Local Offer – what is it Purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. Covers provision for 0-25 years, across education, health and social care Being developed in partnership with parents and young people in the borough

5 Local Offer - Impact Opportunity to promote your service (0-25 & parents?) Opportunity to understand what other organisations there are and where there are gaps in service provision Will be promoted by the council and partners as the “go to place” for information so very important you are on there Opportunity to reach more people We will be circulating information on how to get your organisation on the Southwark offer via CAS later this month.

6 Care Act Continued focus and momentum for PBs
We will have more contact with self funders Big focus on information and advice

7 Winterbourne View Response
Target of over 100 people to look to move back to the borough People with very complex needs and behaviours that challenge services Want to find innovative ways to support them in the community Individual support – care; leisure; learning & employment; meaningful activity

8 Personal Health Budgets
Currently – have a right to request if you have a continuing healthcare need From April 2015 – if you have a long term condition Small changes nationally to date

9 Integrated Personal Commissioning
New announcement Bringing Health and Social Care PB into an integrated budget and spending to meet shared outcomes Blurs the lines Pilots April 2015

10 More people on Direct Payments
Increasing month by month 377 and counting!

11 Personal Budgets – Possible Impacts 1
Opportunity to increase business Good service, but limited to volume of work commissioned Not commissioned by the council, so don’t get referrals Opportunity to provide support in new and different ways Respond to requests from people who use your service Not defined by the Council – by the personal budget holder Opportunity to focus on individual outcomes Increased focus on quality and customer satisfaction

12 Personal Budgets – Possible Impacts 2
Changes to core funding Develop new costing models – cost per person; per session; per week etc New income streams – how to manage More diverse market – more individual focussed; micro-providers?

13 Personal Budgets – Planning
What do your service users want? What parts of your services can you make more individualised (and what can’t you)? Who are your competitors? And who are your collaborators? The market of organisations offering services is increasing Think about what makes you unique Promote your services Respond to what people say they want/ need Understand the costs of your service and how you can be competitive Make sure you are utilising the Local Offer and other information directories

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