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Luke Boudour Today’s talk  Working as an Intern in the School of English  Work experience  During you degree  Post-graduation  Finding.

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Presentation on theme: "Luke Boudour Today’s talk  Working as an Intern in the School of English  Work experience  During you degree  Post-graduation  Finding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Luke Boudour

2 Today’s talk  Working as an Intern in the School of English  Work experience  During you degree  Post-graduation  Finding a job  Applications  Q & A

3 Working as an Intern in the School of English  How I got the job  TULIP (The University of Leicester Internship Programme  My project  Has it been beneficial?  What next?

4 Work Experience  During University  What you can do?  Why you should do it  Post-graduation  The purpose of w/e  What you’ll gain

5 Finding a job  Deciding what you want to do  What are you interests  What are your aspirations  Do you have a 5-year plan?  Where to look  Useful websites  esources/careers/websites esources/careers/websites

6 Applications  Know the employer  Look at their website  What are the company’s values/ambitions  Phrases/mottos  Contact them

7 Personalise your application  Address the employer directly  Find out who will be reading your application and address it to them  Person specifications  Use actual evidence to prove your point  Don’t make sweeping statements  Don’t exaggerate – it may come back to haunt you!  Why you suit the company/why the company suits you  Applications are a 2-way process  Take the time to tailor your applications  Employers will be able to spot a generic application

8 Types of applications  CV  Max. 2 pages  Error free  Concise and relevant  Cover letter  3-4 short paragraphs  Max. 1 page  Personal statement  Online applications  Draft your answers before submitting  Competency tests  Practise beforehand if you’re not confident of passing   You are selling yourself to employers

9 Any Questions?

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