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Being a TAPS student intern at the University of Roehampton Joy Vamvakari & Bridget Middlemas HEA York, November 2013.

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1 Being a TAPS student intern at the University of Roehampton Joy Vamvakari & Bridget Middlemas HEA York, November 2013

2 A little bit about our TAPS project Our TAPS project is part of a wider institutional focus on assessment and feedback at Roehampton Over the last five years or so, we have been working on: – Thinking about non-traditional e-assessment formats such as e-portfolios, wikis or online symposia – Working with programme teams on a variety of assessment-related projects – Setting up CPD opportunities for academic and support staff – Designing equivalency guidelines for staff wishing to pilot new or unfamiliar assessment formats

3 Some of our assessment projects… Changing the Learning Landscape at : TAPS at: t_pilot/webprofiles/TA_07_Roehampton_web.pdf t_pilot/webprofiles/TA_07_Roehampton_web.pdf Reimagining Attainment for All: enabling the success of BME students at: We have also been involved in TESTA, at: What’s it worth? Developing Equivalency Guidelines for the Assessment of Multi-format Coursework, at:

4 What have we done in our TAPS project ? Student intern Interviewed staff and students from a wide range of discipline areas Gathered plenty of workable examples that can be shared across programmes teams Developed our resources to support CPD programmes & staff induction

5 TAPS @ Roehampton Departments that I have approached/involved: Undergraduate Postgraduate

6 TAPS StaffStudentsExternals TAPS @ Roehampton People I have talked to about TAPS: Undergraduate students Postgraduate students Student interns in other projects Student ambassadors Course reps Student senate Staff from other Universities HEA staff Specialists in Assessment and Feedback Academic staff Administrative staff Quality Assurance staff Employability staff

7 Being the Roehampton TAPS student intern I liaised with the LTEU staff in agreeing short and long term goals for the project I used all available resources and my own initiative to fulfil these goals I attended relevant conferences and events where I furthered my understanding of assessment

8 And… I collected data in the form of audio/video and good practice examples, I interviewed staff and students, lead focus groups and research relevant academic material I was expected to have a professional, independent, responsible and proactive approach to all work involved I felt personally responsible for the project and its success, referring back to my TAPS work in all other on and off campus positions, increasing overall awareness of TAPS

9 Why have a student intern? A student intern: brings in the student perspective/viewpoint can offer insight into practical issues of student life is able to spend time attending events and collecting data can talk to students on a student level, taking into consideration current student concerns, issues and difficulties can obtain different data from staff, as discussion takes place on a different level can integrate personal views and experiences, enriching collected data

10 Why become a student intern? Future employability – develop new skills and build upon existing ones – experience collaborating and liaising with people from a range of backgrounds – talk about your internship in your CV and job interviews Transition to the world of work use and maintain the academic skills you have developed in a practical setting experience a supported transition from student to professional life experience a UK work environment, settings and ethics Personal development / CPD – learn about yourself, your skills and where you can improve – develop your personal network – gain insight into the structure and function of the University and Higher Education as a whole – use own initiative in a rewarding and supporting context

11 Recommendations (from a student intern’s perspective) Engaging students as student interns can enhance overall student engagement Increased opportunity for student-staff dialogue through common events-discussions Do not forget that the student body is highly diverse! Every student has different motivations, skills and concerns Support increased ownership, treat students as developing academics/professionals and give responsibility: higher motivation will increase efforts

12 Recommendations Make sure that your student intern is confident in approaching and working with staff and students across all programmes Provide a welcoming and supportive working environment Publicise your intern’s work as widely as possible, and at the highest levels

13 Thanks for listening! Joy Vamvakari & Bridget Middlemas

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