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Mathematics Enrichment and Outreach Activities Jenny Sharp

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1 Mathematics Enrichment and Outreach Activities Jenny Sharp

2 Outline What we currently offer schools Talks Resources Enrichment programme What would you like us to do?

3 Talks for Schools We offer a wide range of talks on mathematical and statistical topics to schools and colleges in our region. These include Why take A-level Mathematics? Opening doors: careers with mathematics and statistics Specific topics such as the mathematics underlying internet security, dimensional analysis, the mathematics of bubbles and soap films various talks on statistics. To arrange a talk at your school or college or to arrange a visit to the University, please contact us on

4 Posters and leaflets for Schools You hopefully will have been given a pack of resources which contain all of our posters and leaflets: Undergraduate courses in Mathematics and Statistics A level Mathematics formula – leaflet and poster Graduate Success Stories Mathematics Careers Poster If you need any more of these please contact us and we will send them out.

5 Mathematics Enrichment Programme This programme has been running since 1996 and is designed to provide enrichment for students who are able and interested in mathematics Its aim is to help keep the students interested in mathematics, ideally so that they continue to A level and then hopefully to a mathematics related degree The programme covers Year 5 through to Year 10

6 Mathematics Enrichment Programme Year 5 and 6 – about 400 pupils Year 7 and 8 – one day masterclasses – about 50 students for each year group Year 9 – a series of 5 Saturday morning masterclasses in the spring term – about 60 students – a follow up day in the summer term – about 100 students from various masterclass groups and UKMT Year 10 – a residential course for those who attended the year 9 series in Plymouth and Truro – maximum of 24 students

7 Mathematics Enrichment Programme All schools get sent information about the programme Attendance is through school nomination plus a personal invitation to the year 9 series is sent via school to those students who attended in year 7 and 8 students are contacted directly about the year 10 residential course (school is kept informed)

8 Mathematics Enrichment Programme Ideally a teacher will attend the Year 7 and 8 days with the pupils to work (and learn) along side them. Teachers are welcome to attend the Year 9 series. A great source of CPD! There is a charge for the masterclass events as the programme needs to be self financing: Year 7/8 single day masterclass: £18 per student, no charge for the accompanying teacher! Year 9 series: £25 per student Year 10 residential: £100 per student

9 Mathematics Enrichment Programme If you are not getting the information about the Enrichment Programme please let me know:

10 What else can we do? For you as teachers? For your students?

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