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Access agreements - Development of a Progression Scheme for Access to HE Diploma learners Michael Doolan Kensington & Chelsea College.

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Presentation on theme: "Access agreements - Development of a Progression Scheme for Access to HE Diploma learners Michael Doolan Kensington & Chelsea College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access agreements - Development of a Progression Scheme for Access to HE Diploma learners Michael Doolan Kensington & Chelsea College

2 Summer 2011 Concessionary fees only available for FE learners in receipt of active benefits (JSA) from 2011~12 In 2010~11 only 13 of 95 learners who received fee remission for the Access to Humanities Diploma at KCC were in receipt of active benefits KCC facing a potential drastic loss of learners on Access to HE Diplomas

3 Summer 2011 Many HEIs experiencing problems meeting their access agreement commitments KCC provide partner HEIs with widening participation learners (of 21 KCC SOAS applicants in 2012, 5 had parental experience of HE) Mutual benefit for HEIs to assist with funding FE learners at L3 with aim to progressing to HE

4 Developing Progression Agreements Long standing effective Progression Agreement between KCC and SOAS Develop the agreement to incorporate HEI support for learners in FE on Access to HE Diplomas

5 Development of PA: SOAS & KCC Current Scope of Progression Agreement Guaranteed interview Joint Annual Two Day Conference Automatic Annual Bursary on Degree Programme

6 Developments as result of Sustainability Project Interviews dispensed with- quicker offer for students Bridging courses for those meeting terms of offer- August & September: Study Skills workshops; produce an essay and receive feedback Mentors identified for KCC students: student ambassador on suitable degree programme paired in July

7 Developments as result of Sustainability Project Use of SOAS library for KCC students- including completion of Research Skills Unit of Diploma SOAS to review bursary arrangements: survey of KCC students reveals preference for cash/ in kind maintenance grant rather than fee waiver

8 Developments as result of Sustainability Project Tracking of progress of KCC students i) Quantitative: Benchmarking to cover previous three years- August 2012 ii) Quantitative: Grade profiles iii) Qualitative: Feedback from KCC students currently at SOAS

9 Developments as result of Sustainability Project Further explore possibility of assistance with fees at level 3 for PA students Advent of FE loans at level 3 Possible difficulties?

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