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The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE The Healthy FE Framework: Making the case for introducing Healthy FE This presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE The Healthy FE Framework: Making the case for introducing Healthy FE This presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE The Healthy FE Framework: Making the case for introducing Healthy FE This presentation has been put together to assist colleges who are developing a business case to introduce Healthy FE.

2 The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE Content Local health statistics and their impact on the organisation What is the Healthy FE Framework? How the Healthy FE Framework can help your College organisation The policy context What does ‘Healthy FE’ mean in practice Benefits Quality improvements The case for change

3 The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE Background: Local health issues It is recommended that users of this presentation provide some key statistics about the health issues in your local area. Wherever possible, this should be compared to the national average. Information can be found from: Office of National Statistics – Neighbourhood Statistics Department of Health Local PCT web site The following statistics are given for demonstration purposes: [23.9%] of people in the local area are obese. [11.4%] of people in the local area binge drink. Nearly [a third] of people in the area smoke. There were approximately [154 ] teenage pregnancies in the local area in 2006.

4 The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE The impact of these statistics Poor attention and concentration in the classroom Increased levels of sickness Impacts on work/life balance Stress and lack of motivation within the workforce Impact on retention of learners Limited success rates

5 The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE How the Healthy FE Framework can support FE providers Improve the health and wellbeing of staff and learners Differentiate the working and learning experience Improve the environment Lead to improved attention, retention and ultimately success of learners Reduce costs of staff absenteeism through sickness Create a more motivated workforce.

6 The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE What is Healthy FE? The vision for the future is for FE providers to have strong relationships with community partners to create a learning environment where positive wellbeing is the expectation for all, producing learners and staff who are confident, health, safe, emotionally resilient and personally fulfilled. Healthy FE Steering Group, December 2008 ‘ ’

7 The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE What does the Healthy FE Framework mean in practice for FE providers? Understanding the health and wellbeing needs of staff and learners Taking a coordinated approach to developing health services in partnership with PCT partnerships / the Health and Wellbeing Board to address local needs Promoting key healthy messages and providing appropriate advice (safe sex, anti-drugs, etc.) Using the curriculum to advocate health and wellbeing Active encouragement of healthy eating and physical fitness Controls on smoking Anti-bullying policy Clean classrooms/common areas

8 The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE The Benefits For the college Minimal Cost –Build on existing work –Incremental change More students Improved performance Less sickness, reduced costs For staff/learners Better results: –Improved concentration –Nicer environment Good morale Less sickness

9 The Healthy FE Framework Making the case for introducing Healthy FE Improving quality Currently Ofsted inspections covers health and wellbeing. Duty on FE providers to look after their staff and learners. Community cohesion and citizenship agenda.

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