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Frank Stuart-Brown OCT/NOV 2001 OPF MNP FG Monthly Update.

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Presentation on theme: "Frank Stuart-Brown OCT/NOV 2001 OPF MNP FG Monthly Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frank Stuart-Brown OCT/NOV 2001 OPF MNP FG Monthly Update

2 The MNP Industry Growth > 1,000,000 ported since Jan 99 Quarterly figures awaited from Oftel

3 The Project Board KEY ACHIEVMENTS DURING LAST PERIOD  MNP2 Process went live on 3rd September and phased implementation ended on 1st October.  First ports under new process completed on 1st October with no reported problems.  Monthly figures are comparable with old process  Logica programme management fulfilled all their obligations to bring the project inline with the new deadline and costs.  Key factors have been co-operation and pragmatism amongst all team members and the major network operators.

4 The Project Board ACTIVITIES PLANNED Monitoring remainder of stability period Finalisation of the escrow agreement (Logica to retain sealed copy of system source code and baseline during interim) Delivery of project library to Project Board (by Logica, CDROM) Upgrade release 1.23 –Upgraded help pages –API XML problems fixed –Revision of closed entry after PAC expiry Contact List facility planned, and under budgetary consideration

5 Operational Review Group MNP 2 –Meeting 17th Oct Change requests received and discussed, to be submitted to Softwright Bad Debt determination passed back up to MNP FG Orange report problems with API dialogue with Softwright in progress to determine problem area BT Cellnet report Migration problems. To submit change request proposal

6 MNP Production Manager The duties of this post have been taken over by the Operational Review Group

7 OPF MNP Focus Group The FG has thanked Logica for their tenacity in driving the MNP2 project. Bad Debt – Still ongoing. It was felt that as the relevant regulatory people already attend this forum, that it was better discussed here for a report to go back to Oftel. New Chairman – John Blakemore from BT Cellnet is to take over the chair of the OPF MNP FG from Frank Stuart-Brown for the ensuing 6 months.

8 Fixed Line & MNP2 Process Outgoing FG Chairmen of NGNP and MNP have had brief e-mail dialogues and agree in principle for some sort of harmonisation. New Chairmen will need to take this further during their time in office.

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