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Rainforests By Jenna H,Hannah K and Jenna F. Contents  Where are the rainforests?……….Page 1  Animals in the rainforest…………Page 2  Trees in the rainforest…………..Page.

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Presentation on theme: "Rainforests By Jenna H,Hannah K and Jenna F. Contents  Where are the rainforests?……….Page 1  Animals in the rainforest…………Page 2  Trees in the rainforest…………..Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rainforests By Jenna H,Hannah K and Jenna F

2 Contents  Where are the rainforests?……….Page 1  Animals in the rainforest…………Page 2  Trees in the rainforest…………..Page 3  Who lives in the rainforest?........Page 4

3 Where are the rainforests? RRRRainforests are all around the equator. TTTTropical rainforests can be found in Africa, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and many other places.

4 Animals in the rainforests  There are over 200 birds in the rainforest  There are lots of different mammals in the rainforest.  There are half the worlds animals and plants in the rainforests. Fact…… Did you know that the humming bird is the only bird that can fly backwards!!!

5 Trees in the rainforest are so tall they block out the sunlight. Buttress roots help to support the great weight of other trees. Large buttress roots are a sign that the soil is shallow. Trees in the rainforest

6 Who lives in the rainforest? People in the rainforest spray themselves different colours, because they think the spirits can’t see them. People have lived in tropical rainforests for many years.

7 Glossary Africa- It is a country that has rainforests in it. Buttress roots- Is a special type of root. Colombia- A country that has a rainforest in it. Venezuela- It is a country that has a rainforest in it.

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