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Resilient Leadership Jay Trivedy.

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1 Resilient Leadership Jay Trivedy

2 Some Changes Academies; UTCs; Free Schools
Changing nature of Teacher Training;“Death threat for dozens of PGCE courses after seven are forced to close,” TES 10/06 The abolition of EMA Convergence in Post 16 funding; “Our priority with the 2011/12 funding allocation has been to protect the main programme of learning and education,” YPLA Reduction in funding for enrichment Diminishing role of LAs

3 Leadership focus Remaining true to you values
Reviewing provision and assumptions Focusing on students and their needs Streamlining provision Considering a range of models that address timetables, time allocations, choices and collaborative models

4 “More for Less” Some options: Cross subsidisation of key provision
Reduction in time allocation for subjects Reduction in tutorial contact time Reduction in enrichment activities Focus on core provision only Increased reliance on “good will” Out sourcing certain functions

5 Prioritising Maximising funding Retention, achievement and success
Students’ needs advice & guidance Support Progression Tracking and monitoring Independent learning Other skills ( note taking, revision, citizenship, enterprise…) Maximising funding Recruitment levels Retention, achievement and success

6 Models 5 to 1.5 Hours for A levels :changing culture in relation to teaching and learning within the school/college. Need for CPD and developing consistency & confidence within curriculum teams to provide structured and independent tasks. Developing the VLE. Lunchtime and evening provision for ‘minority’ subjects Training and using students to deliver support Signing in system for 1:1 interviews without group tutorials Reducing tutorial time and focusing in on very specific functions No tutorials with all of the tracking carried out within lessons with specialist Post 16 staff available and present in the sixth form area to advise & support students ‘Buying in’ a team of specialist staff to deliver UCAS, careers, organise visits

7 Challenging Assumptions
Does the allocation of additional time lead to better attainment and produce better students? Do we need tutors at Post 16? How much do staff value being tutors? Could a small number of specialist staff oversee the progress of Post 16 students? Why shouldn’t schools ‘buy in’ independent expertise to organise & provide enrichment? It could conceivably be cheaper and of better quality. Couldn’t the funding that is spent on tutorials be better spent?

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