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Published byTanya Forester Modified over 10 years ago
AHP Out-Patient Services Capacity and Demand Management Masterclass
Robert Jones Fiona Jenkins 3rd June 2011
Objectives Reasons for considering new approaches to AHP booking systems The concepts of backlog, capacity and demand modelling in relation to out-patient appointments systems, using data to inform decision-making Familiarisation with a system for managing and reducing waiting lists and DNA Sustainability of a new system Impact of reduced delays on AHP pathways Concepts of service re-design to be able to implement and sustain change National reporting
Before break Why waiting list management ?
Concepts of capacity and demand IM&T Managing change- taking staff with you
Your Expectations?
Jargon Buster Demand - what we should be doing
Activity - what we are doing Capacity - what we could be doing Backlog - what we should have done but haven’t Carve out- sub-dividing service into specialties
Who has a Waiting List?
Physio Out patient longest waits
How do you calculate your waits?
When do you count the start of the wait? When do you count the end of the wait? Does the way that patient access your service influence the wait time?
The DH waiting time definition
The time between: the date that a referral is received and the date the patient is treated.
What are you aiming for? What has worked previously?
Was it sustainable? Who pays for your service(s)..what difference does this make? Are you needing to scrutinise costs? this coming? What do your patients think? What do your referrers think? What do your commissioners think?
Consider Do your patients and referrers want shorter waits?
What facilities have you got Staff specialism Skill mix profile – is it optimal? Staff profile, activity and service costs Infrastructure – admin, data collection, phones How long per appointment How many contacts per episode Are you ready to pass control over to patients? Is your service ready to re-design?
Validating waiting lists – have you tried it?
Validation is checking to see that the patients require appointment Has their condition improved so they no longer require the appointment? Do by sending letters or telephoning …especially if you have a long waiting list Gives you a clearer understanding of 'real' demand in the system.
Wasted Slots Don’t confuse your DNAs and UTAs How to calculate?
Liberate capacity
Data and Information What is data? What is information?
What have you got? How do you collect it? How do you use it ? What do you need ?
Benefits Information for: Management clinical finance workforce
Costs of your service Pay and Non Pay Overheads Capital charges Other
Largest element for AHPs is staff costs
Planning staff involvement
A Framework for the Management of Change
Moving From the Current to the desired - triggers for change Essential Actions Skills for Success Evaluation Learning Points F
Questions so far?
THE FINANCIAL CONTEXT - Public Sector Funding Restricted (Zero Growth)
- Extraordinary Public Sector Debt - Public Sector Funding Restricted (Zero Growth) - Higher Inflation and Downward Pay Pressure - Tariff reduced by 1.5% - 2% per annum -Population Increase (elderly, LTC) -Medical and Drug Advances (Technology) - Shift from Secondary to Primary Care - Expensive Infrastructure - Financial Deficits in Organisations
THE NEXT FIVE YEARS Continuing Tariff Reduction
At least 2.5% inflation Cost Pressures Organisations with Recurring Deficits Efficiency Requirement Less Money to do More Activity or Work differently Activity Volumes too High to be affordable Insufficient Community and Primary Care Infrastructure Variation in Length of Stay Too many Follow-ups and too many DNAs Too Many Staff and too Many Beds!
Improved Effectiveness and Efficiency Organisation Development Structure Patient Level Costing Driving Strategy (SLR) Improved Productivity Vertical Integration, e.g (Stroke, COPD, Hospital at Home Horizontal Integration (e.g Path, Backroom) Quality, Patient Safety Initiatives Reduced Activity Disease Management - Self Care) Effective, Lean ( Programme Management) Less Money, therefore Less Beds, Less Staff Less expensive Management Structures Tendering Any Willing Provider?
Have you thought of Benchmarking?
Valuable tool to determine how your service compares Requires collection and interpretation of data Can be wide-ranging or very focussed Can speak louder than your single voice ….or identify where efficiencies can be made
Edited by Robert Jones and Fiona Jenkins
Foreword by Karen Middleton The Jigsaw of Reform: Pushing the Parameters Money, Money, Money: Fundamentals of Finance Commissioning for Health Improvement: Policy and Practice Striking the Agreement: Business Case and SLAs Thriving In the Cash Strapped Organisation Information is Power - Measure it, Manage it Information Management for Healthcare Professionals Allied Health Records in the Electronic Age Data ‘Sanity’: Reducing Variation Outcome Measurement in Clinical Practice Improving Access to Services: demand and capacity to support service re-design Benchmarking AHP Services Management Quality and Operational Excellence Evaluating Management Quality in the Allied Health Professions Evaluating Clinical Performance in Healthcare Services Project Management for Allied Health Professionals with Real Jobs Marketing for AHPs Effective Report Writing Demonstrating Worth: Marketing and Impact Measurement Self – Referral
Any Patients Waiting? Do you have a waiting list?
What is the size of the list? Is it a problem? What is your target? Are you meeting it? What have you tried before to manage it? What size what it last year? ..and the year before? How many waiting lists do you have? Do you carve out? How do you prioritise? Who puts patients on the waiting list? Do you have referral criteria?
Questions What is you waiting time? What is your DNA rate?
Do you have carve out? What are the causes of waits? Does it fluctuate? Why does it fluctuate? How do you currently manage waiting lists? What info systems do you have? Do staff accurately input data? Do you make full use of it? Does Choose and Book impact?
How referrals are handled affects waits
Why do queues form? Because demand exceeds capacity?
Mismatch between demand and capacity? We want queues to keep us busy? Variation in demand + variation in capacity = queue Occasionally demand > capacity
Managing Flow NHSI No delays achiever
How to Measure Capacity
Understand how you use time, patient and non patient contact time Expertise available, staff hours in WTE and grade, and hours the service is open for If equipment or facilities are an essential element, their availability need calculating.
How to Measure Demand Understand your referral patterns and type
Multiply the number of patients referred from all sources by the time it takes to complete a patient episode Measure true demand- are there some not accessing your service that should be?
Patient Flow In healthcare flow is the movement of patients, information or equipment between departments, staff groups or organisation as part of a patients care pathway. Three options Manage flow Create flow Increase responsiveness
How to Measure the Backlog
Multiply the number of patients waiting by the time it takes to complete the patient episode. For example, 100 patients on the waiting list x 30 minute treatment time each = 50 hours backlog. If you are working towards a 6 week wait, and have 16 weeks on your waiting list, backlog = 10 weeks Need to consider the number of patients waiting and the time that represents
Planning to Match Capacity and Demand
If services are planned so that average capacity is higher than average demand, waiting lists rarely build up and should decrease ;as long as the capacity is used. The level to aim for is to set capacity higher than the average demand.
The famous have said: “You will never solve the problem with the mindset that created it” Albert Einstein “Every system is perfectly designed to achieve the results it gets” Don Berwick
Where do we get extra capacity from?
New Money ££££££££££! Map process re-design process measure bottleneck demand/capacity/activity/backlog analyse data :- reduce variation continue to measure and analyse
Activity What do staff do with their time? How much of each activity
Who does it Where it happens Methodology to ascertain accurate picture of what staff are doing with their time Ability to drill down
Why do we need to know this?
Development of staffing profiles Case load management Skill mix management Evidence-based staff deployment Clinical issues Audit and R&D
Why do we need to know this?
Clinical governance Effectiveness and quality Evidence-base for service development Business environment and strategy Service and workforce planning Service re-design “tool” Capacity and demand management
Paediatrics and long term disability management
Traditionally heavy caseloads and long waits Even more important to undertake capacity/demand management Do you want to see the patient? Or do they need to see you? Episodes of care philosophy Patient self-referral Caseload management tools Regular review Skill mix
Staff Activity Patient related Non patient related Leave patterns
What do staff do with their time? Patient related Non patient related Leave patterns Maternity leave Seasonal variation Daily variations Carve out Savings requirements
Activity Sample: Methodology
Development and prototyping Snapshot of activity on a regular basis Data collection form Staff involvement Computer software Reporting methods Use
Direct Patient Contact
Activity Sample Form Direct Patient Contact Face to face contact -individual Face to face contact – group Telephone contact with patient or carer
Activity Sample Form Ward rounds Case conferences
Patient Related Ward rounds Case conferences Administration- patient related Home assessment visits
Activity Sample Form Study leave In-service training
Non patient related Study leave In-service training Other CPD activity Teaching Supervision Liaison with other services Administration Management duties Travel Staff/team meetings Other
Activity Sample Form Other Your contracted working hours today
Your actual working hours today Number of group sessions you have done today Number of home assessment visits you have done today Number of patients on your caseload today Date of activity sample Site Location Clinician code Band Post name/rotation Absence? Reason
Examples of analysis Percentage of time spent in different categories by: Whole service Team Individual band Individual staff member Location Profession comparison
Therapies staff activity Analysis
Its Your Turn!
Find your data You will calculate: Capacity Departmental demand
Backlog (waiting list) Time per patient episode Staffing resources required
What is your Capacity?
Capacity CALCULATE : WTE staff by grade Slots: length of appointments
Ratio 1st: Follow Up Total time per patient episode Capacity per staff member /year Facilities issues DNA time
A “Typical” Physiotherapist
1 WTE ,41 working weeks/pa = hours 511 new patient pa =12.5new patients per week Average contact 4 = 2.5 hours 511 X 2.5 hours= 1277hours patient activity 260.5 hours for “other” activity (6 hours per WTE)
A department with 10 WTE Number of staff = 10 WTE
15375 hours/department 5110 new patients 12770 hours for patient contact 2605 hours for “other” activity
Demand Total referrals How many currently on your waiting list
What that equates to in patient contact time Have you the right number of staff? Unmet need? Trends over time
A Worked Capacity Example
Total referrals = 6000 Waiting list =500 1250 hours work (500x 2.5) Need 1 WTE more activity to meet this demand
Develop a capacity plan
Backlog How long is your longest wait?
Do you have a maximum waiting time target? What is the match/mismatch between your capacity and demand? What is you backlog?
Its Lunch time!
What is “Choice Appointments” ?
A system of same day outpatient appointments for physiotherapy patients; made by telephone for first and follow up appointments Based on capacity planning In place in Eastbourne for 4+ years and Torquay for 2+ years
“Choice Appointments”
Calculate department demand and capacity Patients referred Patient telephones to book an appointment on the day that they want treatment Minimal pre booking Patient agreed goals to achieve before re accessing further intervention Follow up appointment procedure User involvement Evaluation
“Choice” What is “Choice”? For patients For referrers For staff
Why did we go this way? Effectiveness and efficiency To minimise DNAs
Inability to keep waiting lists down consistently Wanting to improve clinical effectiveness Economic and political drivers Better use of clinical and non clinical time Workforce Improve throughput Complaints about waiting time Transferability to other services
Our starting points DNA Too many cancelled appointments (12%)
Waiting times Up to 16 weeks for “routine” in our areas Significant numbers up to 6 months 156 weeks “routine” wait is known! Waiting time complaints Unstructured staff time for non patient contact DNA 11-17% in our areas Significant numbers with 15-20% Up to 48% in highest Too many cancelled appointments (12%) Our average wait was 22 days – but up to 42 days 7% of appointments were cancelled per week by us – ie 19/week Cancellations accounted for 12%of activity
What did we do?
Our Results Eastbourne System in place for 6 years South Devon 4 years
Waiting time analysis and comparison
Routine Waiting time (weeks)
Waiting time complaints
Possible Barriers to Implementation
Lack of willingness to take risk Staff comfort zones Data collection! Availability of data Local resistance Lack of demand control Infrastructure Stringent cost improvement programmes Commissioner views
Other issues to consider
Admin staff IM&T use and support Telephone systems What if patient doesn’t make contact? Leadership capability Staff comfort zones Look at your use of facilities and space
Administration How non contactor referrals are handled
How receipt of referrals is handled and processed Staff diary sheets Patient information Follow up arrangements Discharge information Procedure for onward referral
Other information Trust 1 Trust 2 NP/ WTE, 12 15 NP/ WTE, 12 20
Follow up reduces from 3.5 to 2.55 New patient appointment some 60 mins some 30 mins Follow up appointment 30mins Rolled out to small dept with 4.27 WTE Trust 2 NP/ WTE, Follow up reduces from 3.5 to <2 New patient appointment 45 mins Follow up appointment 30 mins Rolled out to Trust 3 With 2 smaller departments
Evaluation Patient satisfaction of those who attended
PPI audits in both sites: Patient satisfaction of those who attended Feedback from those who failed to make contact. Once only attenders GP satisfaction Clinical outcome audit of workshop attendees
Was information provided by the service about appointment system clear?
Would any other information have been useful?
Did you find it easy to contact the department?
Could you make an appointment at a time convenient to you?
Key messages Over 94% patients were satisfied with access, timing and organisation of appointment. “Judging by previous appointment I felt very lucky to get through so quickly Not a long wait on the phone Excellent system.”
Patient Feedback: Eastbourne
“ I was very impressed by the Eastbourne DGH physio dept. Yesterday I had a letter about their “patient choice” scheme inviting me to phone for an assessment appointment and at 10.00am I was being seen. Short of sending a physiotherapist to meet me at the ward on discharge the serviced could not be bettered! Thanks for your efforts on my behalf” Extract from a patient’s letter to his OT at RNOH
Patient feedback “the system seems efficient and responsive to patient needs “totally satisfied with phone in on the same day” “the service has been first class and really excellent” “ ….can choose the time which is convenient to you” “I visited my GP this morning and here I am 2 hours later, fantastic!”
Audit: attended once only
Audit of non contactors
Reasons for not making contact 4 Unable to make contact 10 Did not know it was necessary to make contact with physio department to make appointment 24 Got better didn’t need appt 15 Unable to afford time due to work pressures 8 Arranged own private treatment 2 Moved away 3 Previous treatment for same problem 29 Other reasons 3 month period, letter sent to all non attenders for 1st and follow up appointment 250 letters (15% of referrals) 95 responded (38%)
Comments from non attenders
Apologies but thought if I didn’t ring it would be taken that all was well. As I had to make an appointment rather than being sent one I thought it unnecessary to phone Would be easier to book several advance appointments 10 patients claimed not to have received a letter to ask to make an appointment. As I hadn't heard from you I went to a Chiropractor who I am still seeing
Audit: workshop attendees
790 people attended longest waiting time 156 weeks Highest DNA 48% Highest 1st to follow up ratio up to 1:12 Variable implementation Some implementing all aspects Some implementing parts Some planning implementation Some maintaining “traditional” methods Everybody scrutinising their booking system
Choice Appointments and Self-referral
GP Feedback Positive, liked reduced waiting time
Liked reduced administrative burden Liked using for referral and discharge – where used
Challenges Savings Flexing capacity Costing and Pricing
Contestability Provider/purchaser arrangements Configuration of AHP services National workforce planning agenda Rolling out to other disciplines New models of service delivery Flexing capacity Variable demand Meeting cultural needs How flexible can you be? Commissioning arrangement PBC, PBR Self Referral Organisational Arrangements NHS Reconfiguration
Mandatory reporting of AHP waiting times (England)
2011 – 12?
RTT and AHPs Does it affect you? Which part of your pathways?
Can you flag the AHP part of the wait? Can you calculate accurately and alert others? Do you need to address your waits? Do your waits affect others? What about non consultant- led pathways?
To Summarise What “Choice Appointments” is Why change?
Information and capacity planning Looking at your service Working it out Results - what it's done for our services - can it do this for you? Framework for the Management of Change Challenges for the future Practical “workout" What you are going to take away and do
Revisiting your expectations
The Challenge of Implementation
Is this for you? All of it, elements of it or none of it? Are you ready to lead this work? Include staff, patients, commissioners, referrers Plan and prepare Use improvement tools and techniques
What are you going to do?
Next Steps ?? Discuss with Trust management, patients, referrers, staff, commissioners Project set up : project manager, team and time scales, base-line data and ongoing measurement
Any Questions or further Discussion
Service redesign, management masterclasses and workshops, presentation
Other things we do Service redesign, management masterclasses and workshops, presentation
Thank you!
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