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What makes a good teaching session? Jayne Jefferies - NICE.

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Presentation on theme: "What makes a good teaching session? Jayne Jefferies - NICE."— Presentation transcript:

1 What makes a good teaching session? Jayne Jefferies - NICE

2 Learning objectives At the end of this session you should be able to: Create a plan to structure your teaching/session Use a framework to formulate objectives Produce clear slides for teaching Deliver your materials with confidence

3 What makes a good teacher… Patience Knowledge Empathy with students Explain difficult concepts clearly Confidence Adaptable Good communication Enthusiastic Understanding Approachable Engaging

4 ...related to how you prefer to learn Learning styles – Some people prefer to: Listen Do Write lots of notes Work in groups Work on their own Lots of different ways of categorising

5 V visual A auditory R read/write K kinesthetic

6 Why is knowing your learning style important? Comfort zones! Need to make an effort to include activities that engage students with all learning styles – Visual – Auditory – Read/write – kinesthetic

7 Creating a structure Plan your teaching:

8 Beginning - set the scene

9 Setting learning outcomes SMARTSMART

10 SMARTSMART Specific measurable achievable realistic within a timescale

11 Learning outcomes By the end of the session you will be able to: search and browse NICE Evidence Search effectively identify some of the more useful filters to refine your search results manage your search results for future use

12 Middle – the body of the session Less is more Relate to your learners Vary activities every 10 minutes Assess learning


14 End - closure Summarise –use a learner –use learning outcomes Positive feedback Questions


16 Use your own experiences Plan ahead How do you think your peers can benefit from using Evidence Search? Have you had any previous experience of doing presentations or teaching small groups? How do you prefer to learn or be taught? What do you think is the most important quality a teacher should have?

17 Slides Keep it simple Use images Consider your use of colour Use sans serif font (not Times New Roman) Font size and layout Death by bullet-point…. (7 points, 7 words)

18 Handouts Timing Slideset Further reading

19 Flipcharts Capture students’ thoughts Write in logical order Make sure the font is legible Less is more again!

20 Learning objectives At the end of this session you should be able to: Create a plan to structure your teaching/session Use a framework to formulate objectives Produce clear slides for teaching Deliver your materials with confidence

21 Planning your session Promoting your session o Noticeboards/posters o Catchy titles: “I wish I knew about NICE Evidence Search sooner” o Lecture “shout-outs” Get people to sign up o Google groups o Doodle scheduling o Facebook events o Pre-arranged timetabled tutorials Structure Beginning, middle and end

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