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Peugeot May 2013. Key Campaign information Environment Key Campaign Objectives Illustrate how a Euston motion campaign can amplify brand awareness and.

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Presentation on theme: "Peugeot May 2013. Key Campaign information Environment Key Campaign Objectives Illustrate how a Euston motion campaign can amplify brand awareness and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peugeot May 2013

2 Key Campaign information Environment Key Campaign Objectives Illustrate how a Euston motion campaign can amplify brand awareness and strengthen perceptions Show that outdoor can convey a key campaign message Show that the campaign can increase consideration and/or recommendation for a car brand Source: Research Now Peugeot Research, May 2013

3 New geo-fencing technology Test group have the questionnaire pushed to their smartphones when they enter the geo-fenced area around Euston Station Source: Research Now Peugeot Research, May 2013

4 Test group are more likely to be aware of a recent launch of a Peugeot car +89% Source: Research Now Peugeot Research, May 2013

5 Awareness for a Peugeot launch is now joint first Source: Research Now Peugeot Research, May 2013

6 Test cell rank Peugeot more positively Clear Innovative Interesting Different Attention Grabbing Exciting Memorable Cutting Edge Leaders Source: Research Now Peugeot Research, May 2013

7 Those exposed to the advertising are more likely to think Peugeot: “Make stylish cars” +58% “Make cars with personality and character” +74% Source: Research Now Peugeot Research, May 2013

8 Consideration for Peugeot is higher for those exposed to the advertising + 76% +114% 7-10 8-10 Source: Research Now Peugeot Research, May 2013

9 1 in 3 respondents in the Test Group would recommend Peugeot +57% More likely to recommend Peugeot +57% More likely to recommend Peugeot +89% more likely to highly recommend Peugeot +89% more likely to highly recommend Peugeot Source: Research Now Peugeot Research, May 2013

10 Summary Increased awareness of the launch of the RCZ amongst Euston commuters Commuters passing through Euston are more aware of RCZ advertising activity and are most likely to have seen it on OOH formats Test call are more likely to rank Peugeot positively This has led to an increased likelihood to both recommend and consider Peugeot in the future

11 Want to find out more? Contact the JC Decaux research team to find out how the campaign performed across other metrics

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