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Published byJake Cruz Modified over 11 years ago
Ms. Artzer’s 4th Grade Class Traut Core Knowledge School 2012-2013
Information Packet
“Choice” is the foundation of this unique school
“Choice” is the foundation of this unique school. Thank you for choosing to send your child here. Our vision is educational excellence in knowledge, skills, and character with strong parent-teacher-student partnerships. Our mission is to provide excellence and fairness in education for elementary school students.
Room Coordinator: Anne Scott
is: All parent volunteers must register online Family Contribution Forms – can be dropped off at the Office 4th Grade Contribution given to the office
Ms. Artzer’s 4th Grade Classroom Schedule 8:25-8:40
Ms. Artzer’s 4th Grade Classroom Schedule 8:25-8:40 Attendance/Lunch Count 8:35-9:20 Specials (Music, Art, P.E., *Media) 9:25-10:15 Language Arts 10:15-10:30 Snack Break/Spelling 10:30-11:15 Science 11:15-12:05 History/Geography 12:05-12:50 Lunch and Recess 12:55-1:50 Reading 1:50-2:05 Recess 2:05-2:55 Math 2:55-3:05 Homework Assignments/Clean up 3:05 Dismissal
Traut Core Knowledge Elementary School 4th Grade Curriculum
Aug/Sept October November December January February March April May Spelling List 1-5 List 6-10 List 11-14 List 15-17 List 18-21 List 22-25 List 26-28 List 29-32 List 33-36 Language Arts Fourth grade Core Knowledge Language Arts and handwriting skills will be integrated and taught with various content subjects throughout the year ~ creative, narrative & expository writing assignments: poetry: summaries; book reports; skills in grammar & usage; Daily Oral Language (DOL); Sayings and Phrases Reading Magic Brocade, Fire on the Mountain, Pollyanna The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle Robin Hood Saint George and the Dragon and King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Treasure Island Robinson Crusoe Gulliver's Travels Math Place Value, Adding & Subtracting Whole Numbers Time & Graphing Multiplying by 1-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers Dividing by 1-Digit Numbers 2-Digit Numbers Geometry & Measurement Fractions, Mixed Numbers Decimals Review, End of Year Assessments Science Chemistry Earth and its Changes Meteorology, Science Fair Science Fair, Circulatory System Respiratory System Electricity, Colorado History Colorado History US/World Civilizations Medieval China, The Spread of Islam Early/Medieval African Kingdoms Europe in the Middle Ages French and Indian War, American Revolution American Revolution, Making a Constitutional Government Making a Constitutional Government Presidents & Reformers Geography Integrated and taught with U.S. and World Civilization throughout the year
HISTORY History of Ancient China and Africa The Spread of Islam & the Holy Wars Europe in the Middle Ages French/Indian War American Revolution Making a Constitutional Government First 7 Presidents of the U.S. Colorado History
Science Chemistry Earth and Its Changes Meteorology Circulatory System
Respiratory System Science Fair Electricity
Math Place Value Addition/Subtraction Time/Graphing
Multiplying by 1 & 2 Digit Numbers Dividing by 1 & 2 Digit Numbers Geometry & Measurement Fractions – Mixed Numbers Decimals
4th Grade Reading Skills
Determine the author’s point of view and purpose. Determine the main idea. Determine word meanings using context clues and word roots. Differentiate fact from opinion. Draw conclusions, infer, within and among texts. Identifying/explain the main idea and find supporting details. Find cause/effect, compare/contrast, problem/solution in text. Find the sequence of events. Identify characters, setting, conflict, plot, theme, sequence, and resolution. Make predictions, draw conclusions; support with details. Select information to support ideas and justify the selection. Sort information as it relates to a specific topic or purpose. Summarize and synthesize text. Use organizational features of text in comprehension. Use organizational features of text to locate information. Use word recognition skills to comprehend text. Vocabulary
Reading Weaving of a Dream (Magic Brocade) Fire on the Mountain
Pollyanna Legend of Sleepy Hollow Rip Van Winkle Robin Hood St. George & the Dragon King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Treasure Island Robinson Crusoe Gulliver’s Travels
Language Fourth Grade language arts and handwriting skills will be integrated and taught with various content subjects throughout the year - creative, narrative, and expository writing assignments. Biographies Poetry Summaries Book reports Skills in grammar & usage – Daily Oral Language Sayings and Phrases Spelling – Weekly tests and homework
Words are given in a pretest on Monday.
Spelling Words are given in a pretest on Monday. 2 Core words 5 Curriculum words 5 No excuse words (only given on Friday test) Homework assignment given on Mondays and due on Wednesdays Final spelling test given on Friday
Policies Homework Policy
45-60 minutes per night (Usually not on the weekends except for special projects.) Grading Policy Daily grade for worksheets, quizzes, lessons, projects, and workbooks. **Tests and special projects are worth 2 times the daily grade**
Grading Scale for Fourth Grade
8.01 – 89.9% B+ 82.01 – 88% B 80 – 82% B- 78.01 – 79.9% C+ 72.01 – 78% C 70 – 72% C- 68.01 – 69.9% D+ 62.01 – 68% D 60 – 62% D- 59.9% or lower F Far Exceeds/Advanced = 4 Meets Expectations/Proficient = 3 Partially Proficient/Basic = 2 Does Not Meet Expectations/Below Proficient = 1
Absence due to illness When a student is absent due to illness, they get one day for each day that they are absent to make up their work. Missed daily work may be picked up at the end of the day missed.
Planned Absence If enough advanced notice is given, class work can be provided for the absence. The parent is responsible for instruction. If work is sent on a planned absence, that work will be due upon the return of the student. If work is not taken in advance, the student will have the number of missed days to do it and turn it in for a grade.
Policies (continued) Missing work
-Stay in from recess to complete work -Study Hall (if consistent) Parent will be notified. Misbehavior 1st -Warning 2nd - Stay in from recess to talk with teacher -Student writes parents a note (signed by parents)
Policies (continued) Birthdays – Treats must be store bought and given out after afternoon recess. Lunch – Students are allowed 2 charges if they forget their lunch money. Field Trips – If you volunteer to chaperone, please leave younger children at home. Siblings in Classroom – Siblings are welcome in the classroom as long as they do not interrupt the learning.
Communication Open communication is essential for your child’s success. Please feel free to call me with any of your concerns and I will be doing the same. You can always leave a message on my phone and I will call you back. Or send me an . I will let you know what’s going on by Friday notes, , or personal phone calls. Let’s stay in touch!
Check out the my website to find out the daily homework assignments and what the class has and will be doing My classroom phone number is: Cell
Thank you ! All School Presentation at 6:10 – 6:40 in the gym.
Second Classroom Presentation starts at 6:45 – 7:20
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