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Education and policy – in the context of Visual Impairment Institute of Education 15 th October 2009 Lindsey Rousseau (Children’s Services consultant/NatSIP.

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Presentation on theme: "Education and policy – in the context of Visual Impairment Institute of Education 15 th October 2009 Lindsey Rousseau (Children’s Services consultant/NatSIP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education and policy – in the context of Visual Impairment Institute of Education 15 th October 2009 Lindsey Rousseau (Children’s Services consultant/NatSIP facilitator)

2 Diagnosis and the Early Years The Early Support Developmental Journal for babies and children with visual impairment was launched in September 2006

3 The Lamb Inquiry Objectives of the review: To meet the needs of parents To provide greater transparency in the system To focus on outcomes for children with SEN and disability

4 Placement and process Schools: Mainstream/special/ non maintained and independent  Foundation and Key Stages  14-19 curriculum Colleges Higher Education Mobility and Independence /24 hour “curriculum”

5 OfSTED New framework for inspection September 2009 Equality and diversity Self evaluation framework (S E F ) Limiting factors

6 Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST) 2 tier structure from November 2008 First tier and Upper Tribunal Health, Education and Social Care chamber (HESC) of the first –tier tribunal HESC chamber president/2 deputy presidents/4 full time judges Judges (chairs of panels) Specialist members

7 Every Child Matters “Every Child Matters is a shared programme of change to improve outcomes for all children and young people. It takes forward the Government's vision of radical reform for children, young people and families”

8 Aiming High for Disabled Children Transition Short breaks programme shortbreaks/

9 Partnership working The Regional Partnerships (DCSF) 2000 – 2009 South East Sensory Impairment Partnership (DCSF) 2008-2009 National SI Partnership (DCSF)September 2009 - 2010  Outcomes  Training  Mental health and self esteem  Strategy for the future

10 Quality Standards for support and outreach services DCSF – published September 2008 HI QS – published NDCS/RNID/BATOD September 2009 erlearningassistant/qualitystandards/

11 Legislation The SEN and Disability (Support) Bill - a private members bill taken forward by John Bercow MP “plan strategically for specialist support for children with SEN and disabilities” cmbills/026/2009026.pdf The Lamb Inquiry and Report

12 Policies for SEND in the future A blank sheet?

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