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Introduction to Study in Higher Education ISHE Stage 1 UAL unit Background The ISHE unit builds on the findings from the Inclusive Induction Project at.

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1 Introduction to Study in Higher Education ISHE Stage 1 UAL unit Background The ISHE unit builds on the findings from the Inclusive Induction Project at Camberwell which looked at the first year student journey; assessment, achievement and support. 20 credit level 4 unit introduced from September 2010 in all UAL undergraduate degrees It acknowledges the importance of the first term in HE to students’ overall chances of completing their degree successfully and fulfilling their creative and academic potential.

2 ISHE Induction website The Induction website created to support staff delivering the new unit and to share resources, initiatives and good practice around the first year. An open resource for staff to contribute and download testimonials, projects, forum posts and creative work under themes; Creative Practice, Academic Practice, Assessment, Social Induction, Plagiarism, Learning Support and University Services Upload material: Log in with university username and password

3 In-Studio support at Camberwell

4 Introduction In-studio support set up on all first year undergraduate courses at Camberwell as part of the Inclusive Induction Project. Developed as an integrated strategy for delivering writing support for all students.

5 Context All first year students are required to write two essays related to their contextual studies programme. The first essay forms part of their ISHE unit. All students have a Research and Writing Skills lecture. Students with individual learning needs have access to one-to-one support tutorials and can attend drop- in academic support in the library.

6 What we do Provide 12 hours of support for each course. Set up the support in liaison with the course director. Ensure that the support tutor attends the essay briefings and, where possible, the Research and Writing Skills lecture. Deliver all support in the studio. Match the support tutors’ skills and practice background to that of the course they support.

7 Rationale Transitioning students may have little experience of formal essay writing and reject the notion that transferring this knowledge is just about passing on surface skills (Street 1998). Supporting students isn’t just about ‘fixing’ a problem that they may have (Street 1999). Support plays a role in mediating the invisible pedagogies presented by the institution (Bernstein 1975). continued

8 Writing is the process by which students learn and is not just a technical skill (Lea and Street 1998, 2000). Effective support needs to be embedded in practice - contextualised (Lave and Wenger 1990) A commitment to inclusive learning.

9 In-studio support in practice Graphic Design essay: ‘Research the structures, systems or working processes of an art movement of your choice’. Support tutor attended the essay briefing and the Research and Writing recap lecture. Subsequent whole-group session delivered by support tutor and course director on how to approach researching and structuring the essay - see ppt on ISHE website. Followed up with small group and individual support delivered in the studio.

10 Evaluation C - Graphic Design student: ‘This was the first time I actually enjoyed researching and writing an essay…’. J - Painting student: ‘It was really useful that the support took place in our studios rather than a room somewhere else in the building. Because in our studio everything we wanted to discuss and show and talk through was at hand’.

11 Bibliography Social Literacies: Critical Approaches to literacy development, Ethnography and Education, Brian Street, 1995. Academic Literacies, Brian Street in Students Writing in the University edited by Jones, Turner and Street, 1999. Student Writing in Higher Education: and Academic Literacies Approach, Lea and Street in Studies in Higher Education, Vol 23, Issue 2, 1998 Student Writing and Staff feedback in Higher Education: an Academic Literacies Approach, Street and Lea in Student Writing in Higher education: New Contexts edited by Stierer and Lea, 2000 Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Lave and Wenger, 1990 Class and Pedagogies: Visible and Invisible, Bernstein, 1975


13 Supporting student Transitions Project Background Created in response to a growing understanding of the issues that face many students when coming to university for the first time. Aims to create a website with and for students which realistically prepares them for the transition to HE study. To provide real and timely information about what to expect and how to get the most out of studying at UAL and in London; before they arrive, during induction, transitioning to work based learning, and thinking about and entering PG study. Widening Participation department funded and supported by the Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design

14 Supporting student Transitions Project Outcomes A sustainable, independent website with creative work, testimonials, tours, tips, guides, blogs, forums, FAQ’s from the student perspective How your students can get involved Research and marketing Branding and identity Creating visual resources Thoughts and testimonials Student meeting: 26 th January 4-5.30pm, 9 th Floor boardroom High Holborn with Siobhan and web designer Paul Tabak

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