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Learning from the past – Setting out the future Daniel Marsden – RCN Learning Disability Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning from the past – Setting out the future Daniel Marsden – RCN Learning Disability Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning from the past – Setting out the future Daniel Marsden – RCN Learning Disability Forum

2 The Learning Disability Forum Committee u Dr Michael Brown (Chair) u David Currie u Ian Mansell u Professor Owen Barr u Anne Campbell u Beatrice Nyamande u Daniel Marsden u Anne Norman - RCN Committee Adviser u Nikki Mills – RCN Committee Administrator

3 The UK Learning Disability Nurse Consultant Network u Chaired by Phil Boulter u Secretary Christine Hutchinson u Learning Disability Nurse Consultants UK wide u Influences practice, education, research and practice development u Partnership working.

4 Success in 2010 u RCN Congress 2010 resolution passed calling for a Learning Disability Liaison Nurse in every Hospital. u RCN Learning Disability Nursing Summit in June 2010

5 The Summit 2010 u Brought together experts and stakeholders to set out the issues and challenges for the future of LD Nursing across the four Countries. u Three key priorities: - –Workforce –Leadership and –Education u Writing Position Statement u Active engagement with Health Departments including LDN leads.

6 Learning from the past – Setting out the future u Changing population needs u Increasing complexity of need u Changing population of LD nurses in the four countries u Ensuring Learning Disability Nurses have the skills for the future –Person-centred care and support –Evidence-based care and interventions –Self directed support

7 Education u Move to Degree level training u Working with Stakeholders u Inter-professional working u Fit for purpose u Actions: - –The RCN LD Forum, will work in partnership with the other Forum and Nursing and Midwifery Council to ensure that the learning disability component of all pre registration nursing programmes are fit for purpose. –The RCN LD Forum, RCN Education Forum and education providers to review CPD opportunities for Learning Disability Nurses.

8 Workforce u Diverse workplace settings u Ongoing changes in the health and social care sector u Strategic workforce planning including third sector u Actions:- –The RCN LD Forum will establish an accurate workforce profile. –The RCN LD Forum will encourage the evidence-base to support the LD Nursing practice.

9 Leadership u Support the development of leaders in learning disability nursing in all settings u Support and encourage networks and networking u Actions:- –The RCN LD Forum and the Management and Leadership Forum to develop leadership opportunities for Learning Disability Nurses. –The RCN LD Forum Committee will profile leaders in learning disability nursing wherever they may practice

10 Additional Forum Committee Activities u Anne Norman, Professional Adviser is a member of the Department of Health and University of Bristol Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths of people with a learning disability. u Bob Gates ‘Task & Finish’ Group looking at Learning Disability Nursing. Full report will be submitted in March 2011. Anne Norman, Professional Adviser is a member of this working group.

11 What next? u RCN LD Forum Action Plan u Partnership working with the Health Departments. u Communicating with members, supporters and stakeholders. u RCN Congress 2011 Liverpool – Learning Disability Fringe and student’s day event planned

12 Getting involved in your RCN u Log into ‘My RCN’. Check your details are up to date and sign up to the Learning Disability Forum as first choice. u Attend Congress and Fringe events. u Make contact with the Learning Disability Forum and Professional Adviser. u Contribute to the RCN Bulletin, Nursing Standard and Learning Disability Practice journal.

13 Any questions?

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