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Raising energy efficiency standards – responsibilities and assistance Fiona Hart Project Development Manager National Energy Action (NEA)

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Presentation on theme: "Raising energy efficiency standards – responsibilities and assistance Fiona Hart Project Development Manager National Energy Action (NEA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising energy efficiency standards – responsibilities and assistance Fiona Hart Project Development Manager National Energy Action (NEA)

2 Overview  NEA – who we are  Fuel poverty – causes and effects  Increasing energy efficiency  Current legislation – HHSRS  Support for private sector landlords  Green Deal and legislative changes  Questions and discussion  Feed-back and further information

3 National Energy Action – who we are  National fuel poverty charity  Established 1981  Supporting households in fuel poverty  Supporting organisations that work with fuel poor households  Campaigning and working with government  Working with businesses and utility companies  Research and demonstration projects 

4 Fuel poverty in the private rented sector - Causes Definition of fuel poverty “The inability to afford to heat the home adequately”.  Households that need to spend more than 10% of their income on fuel  Children, young people, chronically sick, disabled, older people and low income groups are most at risk Private rented sector specific causes  ‘Hard to treat’ properties  Investment rationale is driven by the market and regulations as opposed to investment in own home  Low income / vulnerable households  Transient populations Exacerbated by:  Rising fuel prices  Recession and overall inflation  Colder winters

5 Fuel poverty in the private rented sector - Effects Potential issues for the landlord  Deterioration of the property  Increased maintenance and repair costs  Reduction in the asset value of the property  Fuel arrears attached to property  Rent arrears  Reduction in re-let potential Impact on tenant  Cold, damp home  Condensation and mould  Difficulties paying fuel bills  Health problems worsened

6 Increasing energy efficiency in the private rented sector – prioritisation 35% Walls Savings: £130 - £160 25% Roof Savings: £50 - £180 10% Windows Savings: Up to £165 15% Draughts Savings: £20 15% Floor Savings: £20 - £70

7 Increasing energy efficiency in the private rented sector – measures Insulation  Loft  Cavity wall  Solid wall  Highly recommended where there is electric / oil heating Heating  Consider new efficient system where old / partial system or frequent callouts for repairs  Heating controls Ventilation  Extractor fans  Trickle vents in windows Advice to tenants

8 Increasing energy efficiency in the private rented sector – tenants Role of tenants  Efficient use of heating and hot water systems  Lifestyle factors that decrease potential condensation  All inclusive rents could result in high landlord fuel bills; these can be reduced through energy efficiency measures Advice pack for tenants  Heating control instructions  Energy advice leaflet  Advice on minimising condensation  Instructions on engaging with energy companies:  Sources of advice - Home Heat Helpline, CAB, Debt advice agencies

9 Current legislation - HHSRS  Housing Act 2004  Risk assessment tool to identify hazards  For use by local authorities in private rented, owner occupied and registered social landlord housing sectors  Principle: Any residential property should provide a safe and healthy environment for any potential occupier or visitor  Assessment:  Scoring  number & degree of hazards  Banded as category 1 or 2 hazards Excess coldExcess heatDamp and mould growth Pollutants Space (lack of)SecurityLightingNoise Hygiene / sanitation Accidents (falls, fires etc) Structural collapse

10 HHSRS – local authority role  Scoring based on risk to most vulnerable potential occupant  Statutory duty to enforce where category 1 hazards are identified  Enabled to address category 2 hazards  Formal and informal approaches to enforcement  Production of schedule of remedial works  N.B. No heating/inadequate/unaffordable heating can be assessed as a CAT 1 Excess Cold hazard

11 Support for Private Sector Landlords – CERT Carbon Emissions Reduction Target  Obligation on domestic energy suppliers to help customers reduce carbon emissions  Discounted loft, cavity and solid wall insulation  Discounted renewable energy measures such as solar water heating  Priority and super priority groups can receive free measures  Available until Autumn 2012  Opportunity: Suppliers are looking to the private rented sector to identify priority and super priority customers eligible for free measures Recommendation: Take advantage of this scheme while it is still available

12 Support for Private Sector Landlords – Warm Front  Government’s fuel poverty programme  Heating and insulation measures  Eligibility criteria: disability or income-related benefits and an energy inefficient property  Declining Warm Front measures can lead to Carillion contacting your local authority and a HHSRS inspection being carried out  Recent changes:  Small increase in overall budget  New eligibility criteria April 2011  Programme will be phased out by 2013 Recommendation: Take advantage of this scheme while it is still available

13 Support for landlords - LESA Landlords Energy Saving Allowance  Tax allowance for cost of buying certain energy saving items  Up to £1,500 against tax - properties you rent out in the UK and abroad  Claimed for actual expenditure  Claim when filling in tax return up to 1st April 2015  Rules on apportionment and other restrictions may apply  Contact local tax office and tax advisor

14 Green Deal  Green Deal  Energy Act 2011  “Pay as you save” financial mechanism  No upfront cost for measures  Costs recouped in instalments through electricity bill  ECO (Energy Company Obligation)  Vulnerable (under-heating)  Hard to treat  Eligibility criteria to be defined  Operational and legal framework under development including disclosure, accreditation

15 … other future legislative changes  Mandatory minimum standards  April 2016 = “Reasonable” requests for energy efficiency improvement.  April 2018 = illegal to rent out F & G rated properties UNLESS landlord has carried out maximum package of measures under Green Deal/ECO.

16  Home Heat Helpline 0800 33 66 99  Citizens Advice Consumer Service08454 04 05 06  Energy Saving Advice Service 0300 123 1234  Warm Front 0800 316 2805 Useful contact numbers

17 NEA Newcastle Office Fiona Hart Project Development Manager Please complete a feed-back form

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