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The Online Application

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1 The Online Application
UC Counselor Conference 2010 The Online Application For Fall 2011 Freshman Applicants This presentation was developed to assist counselors and students with completing the UC application. It does not address how an application is evaluated once it gets to the campus.

2 Getting Started… Returning users sign in above.
Deadline The filing deadline for fall 2011 is 11:59 p.m. PST Nov. 30, 2010. ALL first-time applicants start here! Review Common Questions on each page Open/closed majors Downloadable “Apply Online to UC” brochure Log In First-time users start by clicking “New Account.” On return visits, enter and password information under “Sign In.” Returning users sign in above.

3 Create an Account E-mail:
Provide a valid address that you will check often. Make sure filters allow UC mail through! Password: Must be at least eight characters and contain at least three of the following categories: Uppercase letters (A-Z) Lowercase letters (a - z) Base 10 digits (0 - 9) Non-alphanumeric # $ % ^ & * ( ) + < > ? - . Secret Question: Create one that’s memorable but not easy for others to guess! Create Your Account New users must enter a unique address and password. You will use this same account if you apply for a later term. If your family has multiple applicants or has future applicants, different addresses must be used for each applicant. Your password must be at least eight characters (and must have a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and/or symbols). Create a secret question/answer combination that you will remember. Be sure to keep login information safe and memorable. Once “Create An Account” is complete, you will receive an confirming the start of your application. Campuses use to send critical, time-sensitive correspondence to applicants, so provide an address that you check regularly and plan to keep until you enroll in college. Remember, you may need to adjust your filters to accept mail from UC addresses.

4 Navigating Save/Logout at any time.
Update your or other account information using “my account.” Learn what is in each section. Use the progress bar to navigate to different sections of the application. Navigating the Application The highlighted step shows you where you are currently in the application. Each page has an “Inside This Section” and “Common Questions” area. Use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons on the bottom of the page to save and move through the application. Don’t use the browser navigation (i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari). After you’ve completed the first step, “Start Application,” you can click on any of the top navigation boxes or steps in “Inside This Section” to move to the next step or jump ahead. Navigating to another page will save your work. If you need to change your account information ( , name, date of birth), you can do this in “My Account.” “Sign Out” stores your information when you take a break. Read commonly asked questions for helpful information. Use the buttons on the bottom to move from page to page.

5 Start Application Choose the term. Choose applicant level.
Choose the term of application and the level. A modal window will appear to verify the applicant level. These types of confirmations and useful tips appear throughout the application.

6 Start Application California Residency Answer the residency questions to determine residency for admissions purposes only. Depending on the selection and previous answers, follow-up questions may appear.

7 Start Application We strongly recommend providing an SSN for matching official test scores. Citizenship and Social Security Number (SSN) You must select a country of citizenship or “No Selection.” Non-U.S. citizens will have follow-up questions on permanent residency and/or visa status. SSN is an important piece of information used to match transcripts and test scores from ACT and the College Board.

8 Campus Choices Apply broadly! Campus and Major Selections
All campuses continue to become more selective, so apply broadly across campuses.

9 Choosing a Major Select a major, alternate major or no alternate major. Choosing a Major You must select a major for each campus you choose. Select an alternate major, if available (alternate majors not available at Berkeley), or select “No Alternate Major” at bottom of the list. The online application displays which majors are open/closed to your applicant level. After selecting major/alternate major, scroll to bottom of the page and click “Next.” Repeat steps for each campus you selected. If you find that most of the majors are closed, it may be that you have selected the incorrect applicant level or the open filing period has passed. Click on a college to expand the list of majors available and make your selection.

10 Ranking San Diego Colleges
You must click on this link before ranking SD colleges. Rank the San Diego colleges in order of preference. This will NOT affect your chances of admission to UC San Diego. San Diego Colleges If you’re applying to UC San Diego, you must rank the colleges in order of preference to have the best chance of assignment to the college of your choice. Your ranking of colleges does not affect your admission to UC San Diego.

11 Scholarships Be sure to open and review each category of scholarships!
Scholarship Opportunities “Restricted” scholarships are available to students with particular backgrounds or career goals. To make sure you are considered for these scholarships: Open each scholarship category to see the expanded list. Review each scholarship and select if a characteristic applies to you. You can select up to 16 choices. Scroll to bottom and click “Next” to save your selections. Research other campus-based scholarships in the link provided. Be sure to open and review each category of scholarships! Select scholarships that match your interests or characteristics (up to 16 total).

12 Biographical About You Biographical information provides evaluators with a more complete picture of your academic accomplishments in light of special circumstances. Military service status pertains to you, the applicant, not a parent or other family member. Although many questions in the Biographical section are voluntary, this information gives evaluators a more complete picture of your academic accomplishments in light of special circumstances.

13 Biographical Special Circumstances More information for foster youth is available on the UC Counselor’s website. Applicants interested in EOP will need to provide a brief statement as well as parent education and income information. Students applying for EOP will be required to provide information on parent education, income and family size in the next steps of the Biographical section.

14 Biographical Family Size and Income
Information about your parents’ education, income, and family size is used to provide contextual information about your home environment. This information will not be used to determine residency status or financial aid.

15 Academic History 7/8 Seventh/Eighth Grade
If you took advanced math or a language other than English in middle school and received a C or better, these courses can be used toward the a-g requirement.

16 Academic History High Schools Attended Select a location – “In California,” “US (not CA)” or “Outside the US” Indicate specialized curriculum/year-round information, if applicable. Start typing the name of your school. After three characters, matching schools will begin to appear. As more characters are entered, the match will become refined. Select your school/code/location. If no matches are present, complete the name of your school and click “Add.” Remember to list every high school attended. You will be asked for any colleges attended while in high school later in the application. The application will search for your high school as you type. You MUST list every school you’ve attended since ninth grade.

17 Academic History (high school)
High Schools Attended (continued) Select the grades you attended and the associated school year. Enter the dates of attendance. If the school is the school you will graduate from, enter the certificate/diploma information. Enter the grading and term system for the school. Click “Add” to save the information. The school will appear in a table for edit/review. Easy-to-fix errors

18 Academic History (coursework)
High School Coursework Courses are selected or entered by grade level beginning with ninth grade. Enter courses and grades by selecting from the course list. To see the courses, expand each subject area. If you do not see your courses or your school does not have a UC-approved course list, enter the courses in the table provided. When your entries for each grade level are complete, click “Next” to save and continue. Repeat this process for each grade level, including 12th grade. 12th grade course grades will default to “IP – In Progress” and “PL – Planned.” For courses that are only one semester long, select “No Course” for the off term. Include all repeated courses with D or F grades. If you attended more than one school, make sure you enter courses under the correct school. Self-enter courses not on the UC-approved course list

19 Academic History Remember to list community colleges
Colleges Attended in High School If you took any college-level courses in high school, you will need to add the college information AFTER the high school information. The process is very similar to entering the high school information. Remember to list community colleges – even if you took only one class.

20 Academic History UC transferable courses are pulled from the ASSIST database College Courses Taken While in High School If courses were taken at a California Community College, a UC-transferable course list will appear.   Select the course(s) taken, grade received (IP for In Progress, PL for Planned), and the “a-g” subject area for the course. If the CCC course is not UC-transferable or courses were not taken at a CCC, you can enter the courses in the table provided. Calif. community college nontransferable courses can be self-entered.

21 Academic History Academic History — Miscellaneous
Enter your California State Student ID number. If it’s not on your transcript, check with your school. Enter your ELC number, if applicable. The majority of ELC-designated students will have received notification by November 1. If there are any special circumstances or issues with the academic history, there is space on this page to provide a brief explanation specifically about courses and grades.

22 Activities and Awards Activities and Awards Categories include Coursework Other Than A-G, Educational Preparation Programs, Community Service, Work Experience, Awards & Honors, and Extracurricular Activities. Each area is limited to five entries, so select the ones that are most meaningful. Enter details about each activity. Average the number of hours you were involved in each activity on a weekly basis for the whole year. **Other examples of non A-G coursework – ROP nursing careers courses, a Spanish immersion program or weekend Chinese school. Other categories include Educational Preparation Programs, Work Experience, Awards & Honors, and Extracurricular Activities. Applicants are limited to five entries for each, so select the ones that are most meaningful.

23 Test Results Fall applicants must complete ALL required exams by December test date. Make sure OFFICIAL scores are sent to at least one UC campus. Test Results Report a completed or planned test date for the either the SAT Reasoning test or the ACT Assessment plus Writing, and two SAT Subject Tests in two different subject areas. If you’ve taken a particular examination more than once, enter your highest score. If you have completed more than two SAT Subject Tests, enter your additional tests and scores. Your two highest test scores (from two different subject areas) will be used for admissions selection. Enter each Subject Test (taken or planned) and click “Add This”

24 Test Results AP and IB Exams Report Advanced Placement and UC-approved International Baccalaureate examinations you have completed. Select the exam, enter dates tests taken or planned, and add scores if available. Send official scores to UC by the reporting deadline.

25 The Personal Statement
Personal Statement Instructions Respond to both prompts, using a maximum of 1,000 words total. Allocate the word count as desired. An applicant may wish to respond to one prompt at greater length; we suggest the shorter answer be no less than 250 words. Stay within the word limit as anything over 1,000 will result in an error message. Use a word processing program to compose your essays, then copy and paste them into the form fields. Remove any special formatting before you copy and paste. Only use standard American English characters (the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters a through z) and symbols # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] \ { } | ` ~ ; : ' " , < . > / ? ) found on a standard English keyboard. No accented characters or foreign language characters are allowed. Personal Statement Instructions Your personal statement — consisting of responses to two prompts — is your chance to tell us who you are and what’s important to you. What you tell us in your personal statement gives readers the context to better understand the rest of the information you’ve provided in your application. Do not compose your essay in the application. The application will time-out after 40 minutes of inactivity, and your work may be lost. Typing will not register as “activity.” You must navigate to another page to save your work.

26 The Personal Statement
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.  Statement #2: Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are? Statement #3 (optional): Use this space to tell us anything else you want us to know about you and your academic record that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in the application. Limit your response to 550 words or less. Personal Statement Instructions A few tips: Read each prompt carefully and be sure to respond to all parts. Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make. Relax. This is one of many pieces of information we consider in reviewing your application; an admissions decision will not be based on your personal statement alone.

27 Review and Submit Before starting submit process, carefully review information on summary page. Review Summary Carefully review your information on the summary pages. Check for sections marked “In Progress,” open sections to review and update the information by clicking “Edit” and returning to that step. “Completed” means the section was visited and minimally required information was provided.  Thoroughly review the information to confirm that you didn't inadvertently skip a section you were planning on going back to later. Click “Start Submission Process” when ready to continue with the submission process.

28 Review and Submit Completeness check brings attention to
The application will check to see if the coursework you entered meets the minimum requirements for UC admissions, and if you have entered your in-progress and planned courses for 12th grade. You must confirm that the academic work is correct as entered or return to Academic History section to make revisions. If there are any gaps in the school history, you will be prompted to enter an explanation in a text box provided here. Most applicants will never see this page. Completeness check brings attention to possible missing requirements. User must confirm coursework is entered as intended or update information.

29 Review and Submit Demographic Information The application also includes a more detailed survey on applicant race/ethnicity for UC statistical reporting purposes. This information is not used in the admissions process. This information is collected for statistical and reporting purposes only.

30 Review and Submit Residency Information for Tuition Purposes
This information will not affect your admission to the university. If you’re admitted, the UC campus at which you plan to enroll may use this information to expedite financial aid and to assess California residency status for tuition purposes (this is determined by different criteria than residency for admission).

31 Review and Submit Releases
Review and check the release authorizations to share your application information with scholarship agencies, parent/guardian, counselors and/or UC organizations and alumni groups.

32 Review and Submit Signature
Electronically sign and date your application to verify accuracy and acknowledge you are the author of your personal statement. The electronic signature also authorizes the release of your official test score to all UC campuses applied to. Official test scores need be sent to one UC campus only. Information in the application is subject to verification. If you are selected for verification, non-compliance will result in cancellation of your application.

33 Review and Submit No refunds or cancellations
Application Fees Payment is required and is non-refundable. If you meet low-income and family-size criteria, you may want to apply for a fee waiver. (Criteria are the same for eligibility for the federal free/reduced lunch program.) You may apply online for a fee waiver only once. If you qualify for a fee waiver and have applied to more than four campuses, you must select a payment method (credit card or pay by mail) to pay the application fees for these additional campuses. Fee waivers are good for up to four campuses. Eligibility is based on income and family size.

34 Review and Submit Payment
There are two payment options: credit card or check. The University prefers credit card payments as it is the fastest and most efficient payment option. Credit card payments are handled in real-time by a reliable and secure electronic credit card processing gateway. The University does not collect or store any credit card information.

35 Review and Submit Print a copy of your receipt!
If you pay by check, print the bill to send in with your payment. Receipt Submit the application no later than November 30. You should receive immediate confirmation of your submission. Be sure to print and keep your receipt as a record of your application ID number and a complete summary of your application. If you intend to pay by mail, print out the bill to send in with payment or paper fee waiver.

36 After You Submit Update your account information
Update Your Application You can update personal information, add campus choices (depending on availability), make a credit card payment, and update self-reported test scores on the UC Application website. If you add or drop a course or fail to earn a C or better in a course, notify the admissions office at each campus where you applied. If you enroll in a new high school or college after applying, notify the admissions office at each campus where you applied. Update your test scores

37 Summing Up Most answers can be found in the “Common Questions” sidebar. Don’t wait until the last minute to begin or to submit your application. Contact campuses if there are changes to your course schedule or academic record. Check your frequently. Don’t hesitate to ask questions! Good luck to you all! Counselors Remind students to check the trash or junk folder in their account, since many spam filters send bulk messages to those folders. Students should alter their spam filters to allow mail from UC addresses.

38 Online and Phone Resources
UC Home Page: Admissions Requirements: Online Application: UC Application Processing Service – General Help Desk (800) toll-free in California (925) outside California (925) TDD/TTY Online Application – Technical Help Desk (800) toll-free in California (925) outside California Download the “Apply Online To UC” brochure at

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