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HOW WOULD THE NAZIS RUN GERMANY? 1. Make brief notes from the handout titled “how would the Nazis run Germany?”. Your notes should contain the same subheadings.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW WOULD THE NAZIS RUN GERMANY? 1. Make brief notes from the handout titled “how would the Nazis run Germany?”. Your notes should contain the same subheadings."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW WOULD THE NAZIS RUN GERMANY? 1. Make brief notes from the handout titled “how would the Nazis run Germany?”. Your notes should contain the same subheadings as those shown on the handout. 2. Nazi methods can be seen as a ‘carrot’ and ‘stick’ approach. ‘Carrots’ are incentives for the German people – things which offer them some benefits. ‘Sticks’ are methods which control the German people. On your notes, write ‘carrot’ or ‘stick’ or both next to each method. 3. Complete the crossword. HOMEWORK - for next Wednesday 6 th April

2 The Nazi police state what was it? what was it? how did it work? how did it work? how far did it work? how far did it work? Blood and Iron, John Heartfield

3 You are probably familiar with stories of the concentration camps being the backdrop to mass genocide during the Holocaust. However, Jews were only one group who were said to be ‘enemies of the state’ in Nazi Germany. Similarly, concentration camps were only one of the ‘tools’ used to root out and deal with opposition to the regime. The Nazi police state was a structure of organisations and their leaders. The task of the police state was to expose and eliminate all forms of opposition. Today, you are going to…. work in groups work in groups each group will be given information about one ‘organisation’ of the police state structure each group will be given information about one ‘organisation’ of the police state structure you will have to draw a poster showing this information, using a maximum of 5 words (no abbreviations allowed) you will have to draw a poster showing this information, using a maximum of 5 words (no abbreviations allowed) then share this information with others in the class then share this information with others in the class finally, in your groups, you will need to recall (ie. from memory) key parts of this information and record it in your book finally, in your groups, you will need to recall (ie. from memory) key parts of this information and record it in your book

4 Groups 1 Tyler B, Liam, Laura M 2 Erin, Tyler D, Chloe 3 Laura H, Isaac, Karina 4 Joel, Olivia, Corey 5 Rebecca, Greg, Sophie 6 Emma, Saskia, Sam 7 Elinor, Hannah, James 8 Rosie, Pippa, Tom

5 NOW, IN YOUR GROUPS…. 1 Agree on the 4 different organisations/elements of the Nazi police state 2 Put them in order – from the least powerful/serious to the most powerful/serious Leave space if you can’t remember! 3 Recall as many points as you can about each of these 4 elements eg. what they are, what they do, who controls them, why they were feared. Leave space if you can’t remember! 4 Write it all down in your book – 4 subheadings with bullet points underneath each subheading. EVERYONE IN THE GROUP MUST WRITE THIS DOWN IN THEIR BOOK Time allowed: 25 minutes

6 HOMEWORK Complete this for next lesson….. compare the handout to what you have written in your book compare the handout to what you have written in your book add any bits that you’ve missed out add any bits that you’ve missed out

7 ACTIVITY mini drama Write your own mini drama about a fictional figure who gets run through the mill of the Nazi police state. You should aim to write around 100 words. (about 2/3 page) It may have a happy or horrific ending.CRITERIA: COULD your character COULD have committed one of the crimes shown on page 81 MUST your mini-drama MUST include all 4 elements of the police state that you have learnt about – informers, Gestapo, SS and concentration camps MUST you MUST get across the idea that the police state could never be 100% effective: it wasn’t all seeing, and it couldn’t win over hearts and minds could You could use the story of Hermann Schulze as a rough guide. TIME TO COMPLETE TIME TO COMPLETE : 20 minutes

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