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X-Ray Survey of The ATLAS SCT. The ATLAS Semi-Conductor Tracker.

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Presentation on theme: "X-Ray Survey of The ATLAS SCT. The ATLAS Semi-Conductor Tracker."— Presentation transcript:

1 X-Ray Survey of The ATLAS SCT

2 The ATLAS Semi-Conductor Tracker

3 Alignment Requirements Error in Track Parameter measurements should not exceed 20% Miss-alignment of SCT must not exceed the following tolerances 1220050 SCT Wheels 1250100 SCT Barrel Rø(μm)Z(μm)R(μm)

4 Alignment Techniques Initial X-Ray Survey Frequency Scanning Interferometry Track-Based Alignment Procedures

5 Aims of The X-Ray Survey Produce a map of the SCT modules Calibrate the FSI system Provide a starting point for Track Alignment

6 X-Rays and SCT Modules SCT modules not optimised for X- Rays  Wide beam used to compensate  Beam profile sacrifices Z resolution Strip position (Rø) Signal e 50μm 2mm

7 X-ray Survey Overview

8 Positioning the Scanning Head Z – Positioning Stage Ø - Positioning Stage X-Ray Assembly Optical strip reader Laser Alignment

9 Barrel Survey Ø and Z fixed by scanning head R found through use of stereo angle between X-Ray tubes

10 End Cap Survey Different X-Ray assembly required Ø and Z fixed by scanning head R found by Illuminating modules from two Z positions R θ1θ1 θ2θ2 Z – axis Z1Z1 Z2Z2

11 Summary X-Ray Survey is an alignment procedure for the ATLAS SCT X-Ray trajectories follow those of actual events The Majority of the hardware is already in place

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