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Audit of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer within the eligible age group for bowel cancer screening Clare Westwood Colorectal Nurse Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Audit of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer within the eligible age group for bowel cancer screening Clare Westwood Colorectal Nurse Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Audit of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer within the eligible age group for bowel cancer screening Clare Westwood Colorectal Nurse Consultant County Durham and Darlington

2 Introduction BCSP in England began operating in 2006, with County Durham and Darlington beginning in 2007. Programme commenced with FOB screening for 60-69 year olds, but this increased to 74 year olds from Jan 2010. Bowel cancer screening has the potential to reduce mortality from colorectal cancer by 16%.

3 Aim of the audit. To establish the screening status of all patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer in County Durham and Darlington in 2012. To use this information to inform the health promotion agenda, to increase participation in the BCSP.

4 Method Identify all patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer aged between 60 and 74 within 2012. Interrogate the BCSS to identify the screening status of each patient. Identify the Dukes staging for all patients. Identify the Dukes staging for all patients.

5 Results Total colorectal cancers diagnosed within CDDFT: 328 Total aged between 60 and 74: 141. Screening age group accounted for 43% of all cancers.

6 Results: BCSP eligible age group. Patients diagnosed through BCSP= 36 (26%) Patients diagnosed through symptomatic service= 104. (74%)

7 Staging: Screening detected A: 9 (25%) B:11 (31%) C:12 (33%) No surgery:2 (6%) Complete response to therapy: 1(3%) Unable to obtain info for 1 pt

8 Staging: Symptomatic patients A: 12 (11%) B: 29 (28%) C: 32 (30%) No surgery: 27 (23%) 2 interval cancers Complete response to therapy:1 unable to obtain data for 3pts unable to obtain data for 3pts

9 Staging of tumour at surgery.

10 Metastatic disease at time of surgery Definite metastatic disease on staging scan Possible metastatic disease on staging scan Screening12 Symptomatic81

11 Screening status: symptomatic group.

12 Site of cancer

13 Distribution of colorectal cancers

14 Symptomatic patients with normal FOB

15 Conclusion BCSP detects cancers at an earlier stage. Majority of patients presenting with symptoms have not completed an FOBt kit. Significant number of ‘normal’ FOBt present with symptoms of colorectal cancer.

16 Recommendations Population should be encouraged to complete kit Increased health promotion using figures. Awareness should include the proviso that a negative result is no guarantee. Further work into faecal immunochemical test.

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