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SAFE SPACES What is a safe space? Why are rules needed within this space? Who makes the rules? Why do we need this space within the linking context?

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Presentation on theme: "SAFE SPACES What is a safe space? Why are rules needed within this space? Who makes the rules? Why do we need this space within the linking context?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAFE SPACES What is a safe space? Why are rules needed within this space? Who makes the rules? Why do we need this space within the linking context?



4 SAFE SPACE An agreement is needed for a safe space, and this should be owned by the whole group. One such list could be: 1.One person speaks at a time 2.We listen to each other 3.It’s OK to change our minds 4.We disagree with statements not with people 5.We seek to understand one another not necessarily to agree 6.Be aware of body language and appropriate language to be used 7.Remember you decide what you want to share


6 ACHIEVEMENT Achievement - crucial to feel that something is being achieved through the experience but also the reflection Awareness: Treat as individuals Emotional development will be varied Age appropriate activities


8 FEEDBACK Feed-back - crucial that feedback is ongoing and feeds into the next days experiences. Facilitation- the facilitator is outside the dialogue and their role is to enable everyone who wants to speak to do so and to keep the space safe


10 EXPEREINCES, EMOTIONAL AWARENESS It is crucial to help young people to be aware of each person in the group including themselves. Emotional development will be varied Experience of sharing and dialogue will vary Experience of academic success will vary and some may find reading or writing intimidating Activities will need to be age appropriate Facilitators need to be aware of being appropriate in their own disclosure.


12 TRUST, RESPECT AND CARE There will be no safe space without trust, respect and care!


14 YOU You are important to the group!

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