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Oldham’s co-operative story An approach for our times Councillor Jim McMahon, Leader of the Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Oldham’s co-operative story An approach for our times Councillor Jim McMahon, Leader of the Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oldham’s co-operative story An approach for our times Councillor Jim McMahon, Leader of the Council

2 First things first… No one size fits all model. Local issues need local solutions

3 But… Common values and behaviours which underpin our approach

4 For us in Oldham… “A town where everyone does their bit and everyone benefits”

5 5 1. Responsibility and self-help: People who live and work in Oldham are making positive choices to help themselves. 2. Co-production and engagement: Residents are empowered to shape services and decisions in their area. 3. Community leadership: The council and its elected members are playing a strong community and civic leadership role which enables residents and partners to do their bit. 4. Adding social value: The council and its partners are working together to get the best social value out of their business practices. The co-operative response

6 6 A wide approach

7 7 Demand management Commissioning Social value Community engagement Co-production Social enterprise Mutualisation Local democracy Community capacity-building Corporate social responsibility Community finance Social investment Prevention Cross-sector collaboration

8 Why this approach? Our starting point

9 9 Oldham

10 10 Political control LAB LD LAB LD NOC LAB

11 11 Where we were as a council ‘ Weak Leadership ’ ‘Community Cohesion troubles’

12 12 In the context of… Savings already delivered… £21m in 2009/10 £15m in 2010/11 £40m in 2011/12 £24m in 2012/13 What we’ve got to deliver… £40m in 2013/14 and 2014/15 With every expectation of more to come

13 13 Some early wins Ethical framework underpins constitution Staff living wage and 3 days volunteering Co-operative Enterprise Trust established with £1.2m donations Co-operative Dividend Fund established with £900k dormant funds Co-operative Educational Trust established Social Value Procurement policy introduced Youth Council given constitutional powers Devolution and local leaders established Adult Social Care not for profit established £16m turnover and 100 jobs projected in 5 years ‘Industrial Provident Society’ awarded £8m leisure contract with planned £12m capital investment

14 14 Taking it to the streets… Fair Fares - address high cost of public transport –Working in partnership with FirstBus to reduce ticket prices –Success with 28% reduction and creation of ‘Oldham Ticket’ –Employment ‘express way’ routes planned –Credit Union members receive further discounts Fair Energy - address high cost of energy –Collective buying scheme: over 8,7000 households signing up –Average saving £171 – biggest over £800 –Now rolled out across Greater Manchester and beyond Fair Credit - address high cost of credit for low income families –Take on Brighthouse, Perfect Home etc. –Expanded roll of Credit Union –Watch this space!

15 15 Some coverage

16 16 We’ve come a long way… Fastest account closure Children's services “performing excellently” 2 nd highest recycling rate regionally Delivering major regeneration programmes freeing up £100m of public funding to attract further £200m investment in town centre Public satisfaction tripled Recognised nationally for innovation Won Most Improved Council award and four award winning campaigning councillors

17 Implementing the vision Elected Members

18 -Community Leaders -More power, budgets, support (17/staff) -Responsibilities  Accountable  Training  Behaviours  Stepping up Elected Members

19 In Practice -Devolution – Town Hall -Local Leaders Programme -Individual/Ward budgets -Annual Reports -Open Council – web streaming, twitter, Facebook

20 Implementing the vision Wider Public

21 -‘Co-operative Place’ belongs to its people – not the Council -Can’t defer responsibility -Get out what you put in -‘Basic’ offer v’s ‘Dividend’ Wider Public

22 -Council – open – transparent -Value driven/Ethical -Community in wider scene including businesses – all have a role Wider Public

23 Implementing the vision Professionals

24 -Business Case -Pride in Employer -Part of something bigger -Rewarding (volunteering, discounts) -Investment, training, think ‘BIG’ Professionals

25 Implementing the vision The Business Case

26 26

27 27 From 2003 to 2012 Police/ Community Safety A post-it = a contact or intervention HealthSocial CareHousing Community Outreach CAF Co-ordination Attendance Service Housing Benefit Barnados Family Intervention Project Public Sector Reform

28 -Network in place – a lot of the pain has been gone through in other places – share learning -Legal, Policy, Political Learning -Hard work Theory Practice -Get house in order – people have an idea what ‘Co-operative’ means and will hold you to account Learning

29 -Invest in messaging -Staff and Member Development -Engage early – third sector, trade unions etc. -Reinforce everything you do (not a standalone project) -Self police and hold to account -Manage expectations 5 – 10 years -Be realistic – not designing from scratch

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