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THE STRUCTURE OF CULTURAL POLICY Clive Gray University of Warwick.

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Presentation on theme: "THE STRUCTURE OF CULTURAL POLICY Clive Gray University of Warwick."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE STRUCTURE OF CULTURAL POLICY Clive Gray University of Warwick

2 Structure and Agency Marxist claim: Men make history but not in conditions of their own choosing All policy is made by people But people working within a range of structures That limit room for manoeuvre, but also Provides opportunities for choice

3 Structure, Agency and Change Archer: structure and agency intertwined with culture Structural and cultural conditions have temporal precedence Morphostasis – continuation of old patterns Morphogenesis – creation of new patterns

4 Structures and Policy: I Different structures operate at different levels within the policy system: Macro-level – over-arching elements that set the framework within which policy is made Meso-level – contextual factors within which sectoral policy is made Micro-level – specific components that affect the detail of sectoral policy

5 Structures and Policy: II Macro-level elements Ideology – cf. McGuigan on ‘neo-liberal’ ideology Rationality – cf. means-end instrumental (Weber) and ritual (Royseng) Legitimacy – cf. legal rationality and questions of trust Power – cf. institutionalisation

6 Structures and Policy: III Meso-level factors controlled by the state: Governmental policy instruments – information/staffing/money/advice Governmental policy priorities – is ‘culture’ more important than health? Governmental structural policies – cf. evidence-based policy/joined-up government Governmental macro-policies – cf. social inclusion; regeneration; ‘big society’ Organisations- who provides the service?: central/regional/local/arm’s- length/private/voluntary/community Power – context-setting

7 Structures and Policy: IV Micro-level components at sectoral level: Specific policy content – cf. direct provision/sponsorship/investment People – policy makers and recipients Processes – cf. competition; bargaining; negotiation; blackmail; threats; compromise Power - usage Resources – distribution, outputs and outcomes

8 Agency and Policy Do actors have free will? Not entirely: cf. structural constraints and opportunities Proactive – setting the policy agenda (ie. meso/macro levels as opportunities) Reactive – responding to other agendas (ie. meso/micro levels as constraints)

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