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Introducing the most comprehensive ICT based self evaluation framework available. Designed around the section 5 Ofsted framework, the i-sef is a powerful.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the most comprehensive ICT based self evaluation framework available. Designed around the section 5 Ofsted framework, the i-sef is a powerful."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introducing the most comprehensive ICT based self evaluation framework available. Designed around the section 5 Ofsted framework, the i-sef is a powerful tool that allows all leaders in your school to understand and be fully involved in your self evaluation. Much, much more than just a SEF prompt and support – the i-sef can be used ad an holistic tool and support areas such as Healthy Schools Plus, Investors in People and Safeguarding, plus many other kitemark awards.


4 i-SEF is a self evaluation database that can easily be used by senior teachers and team leaders to self evaluate against the new Ofsted framework for inspecting school. Senior leaders can keep up to date on progress made by teams within the school against the different criteria in the Ofsted framework. Reports can be easily generated, printed and exported into Word. i-SEF is a ‘hub’ where as a senior leader you can gain immediate access to: the most recent whole school and departmental examination statistics, progress rates for different groups of students, attendance statistics, teacher lesson observations, evidence, action points and judgements for any of the criteria within the Ofsted framework, examination board websites (with the facility to store usernames and passwords), ‘hyperlinks’ to useful educational websites About i-SEF

5 Main evaluation switchboard – your entry point to self evaluation Clear, easy click on buttons to any section of the I-SEF, all cross referenced to Ofsted Criteria

6 2.1 Attainment Form Write your evidence and actions into the forms – all can be printed later

7 2.1 Attainment Form

8 Pop up prompts will allow you to benchmark your judgements against Ofsted criteria

9 2.1 Attainment Form Further Ofsted prompts allow you to be sure your judgements are consistent and sound

10 Pop up buttons allow you to access subject specific data immediately – no more searching through paper files and using up valuable time 2.1 Attainment Form

11 Early entry GCSE’s can be stored within I-SEF In the maintenance section all you need to do is enter the number of students at each level and I-SEF will workout % and APS !

12 2.1 Attainment Form All of these Attainment forms can be easily printed within I-SEF

13 2.1 Attainment Form I-SEF is ready to store June 2010 GCSE Results In the maintenance section all you need to do is enter the number of students at each level and I-SEF will workout % and APS !

14 2.1 Attainment Form Whole school examination statistics can also be stored and compared to national averages

15 Using the national statistics pop ups, easy comparisons can be made between school and national performance. 2.1 Attainment Form

16 There are a comprehensive set of reports within I-SEF for judgements and evidence and action points

17 I-SEF Subject Evaluation Report

18 I-SEF Subject Ofsted Report

19 I-SEF Judgements Report

20 I-SEF 8.1 Outcomes Report

21 I-SEF Action Points Report

22 I-SEF Action Points can be mail merged into a departmental Action plan

23 Progress data can be bespoke to your assessment data – this model is based on a Key Stage 2 level progress target model. Again this is accessible from the pop up button within I-SEF

24 I-SEF allows you to work through all sections of the ofsted framework systematically, using the pop up buttons for guidance, evidence data and to record summaries of evidence and action points

25 KS2- KS4 2008 English, Mathematics and Science progression rates can be compared to national rates 2.2 – 2.3 Progress Form

26 Progression rates can easily be compared to national rates 2.2 – 2.3 Progress Form


28 The power and simplicity of I-SEF’s pop up buttons can take you straight to the heart of impact self evaluation. Within the quality of teaching section all subject and/or school lesson observation judgements can be seen and discussed.

29 Maintenance section – Lesson Observations (Main Form) Whole school statistics are updated in live time – as soon as an observation is undertaken, I-SEF will calculate the statistics for you. Never be caught out by a no notice inspection – ever!

30 Maintenance section – Lesson Observation Form Use I-SEF to record your lesson observation judgements. I-SEF will save your record and update the statistics. All based on Ofsted practice, with checklist and free text entry to support the judgements you make

31 Maintenance section – Lesson Observations example of a [1] There are 5 memos available There is one memo available for ‘Points for development’

32 Maintenance section – Progress adding monitored groups I-SEF allows you to monitor the progress of vulnerable groups. As well as the ‘preset’ groups listed below you are able to add up to 4 more different groups MONITORED GROUP WBRI (All) WBRI (M) WBRI (F) BCRB (M) BRCB (F) BAFR (M) BAFR (F) SA+ (M) SA+ (F) EAL (Stage 1/2) EAL (Stage 3/4) KS2 Level 3 English KS2 Level 4 English KS2 Level 5 English KS2 Level 3 Mathematics KS2 Level 4 Mathematics KS2 Level 5 Mathematics [None] LAC

33 Maintenance section – Progress reports Producing Progress reports for ‘monitored groups’ within I-SEF is as easy as clicking a button.

34 Useful websites Never forget a password or website when you need it. I-SEF allows one click access to them all!

35 I-SEF covers all aspects of self evaluation. This powerpoint has only touched on three parts!! This remarkable product is as comprehensive as it is simple. Self evaluation using I-SEF will support your school towards so many school improvement areas.

36 i-SEF is trademarked and copyrighted Reg No:316857 Full licence schools From June 2010, i-sef will be available to Secondary on a 2 year licence. (£875.00 PA) Contact us Please contact below if you wish a presenter to visit your school and show you even more detail of i-sef working live. Coming soon in a school near you!

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